
Did you know that Sarah Palin sold the Governors Jet on EBAY!!!?

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Folks. Say what you want about Sarah Palin but when she says she is going to cut can count on it.....after taking office in Alaska she put the Governors jet up for sale on ebay!

Kinda makes the arugula eating Obama come across as just same ol' status quo doesn't it?




  1. I heard a story to that effect but didn't know it was true. I love that! Palin is like a breath of fresh air in politics.

  2. Yeah and she even turned a profit from the sale and then put the money back in to the state budget..  

  3. Frank Murkowski bought the jet for $2.7 million, Sara sold it at a loss for $2.1 million.  I guess she's got experience at deficit spending already too.

  4. Sarah Palin Rocks!!!!  

  5. SP doesn't need a plane since she never leaves Alaska. Does she fly to Israel, Iran, Iraq? She has not international experience. Why would she need a plane like a regular politician. She's a PTA mom who is used to the mini-van, not a private jet. SP is a set back for feminists and intelligent women everywhere. I had more international experience by age 10 than SP has had in her whole life.

  6. I love how she is going to start using reusable fuels. Like water, sunlight, and vegetables! I just LOVE that!

  7. Good for her!  

    And to the naysayers, $2.1 Million for a depreciating expense that was purchased for $2.7 million is actually very good.  It is highly unlikely they would have received anything close to purchase price AND operating cost.  

  8. She felt the jet was overboard and that the over 2 million it was sold for would be better used in the states budget then flying her around.  

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