
Did you know that apple pie isn't American?

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Apple pies were first baked in Denmark centuries before the US existed.

Trivia from CTV news.




  1. It always seemed strange to me that America claimed to be the originator of apple pies. I guess the Pilgrim fathers took the liking for apple pie to America with them. I grew up with apple pie on the menu regularly, it was one of my favourites, as was "treacle tart" and Eccles cakes, (named after the place they were invented, Eccles, in Derbyshire, and Bakewell tart from Bakewell in Derbyshire) yummy. I imagine every country that grew apples made apple pie. It's hard to see how America got to appropriate the "invention" of it!

    The problem with America claiming things that are/were not theirs is that the USA has a terrible inferiority complex and they feel that they need to claim all the stuff that came from other places to try and make themselves feel more important. This is one of the reasons that they copy British television shows and pass them off as their own. I saw an advertisement for "Life on Earth" on the discovery channel, but there was no mention of the fact that it was a David Attenborough, BBC programme. It was presented as if it was a wonderful American programme. This is always being done to Americans, as I found when I lived there. You don't get told about things that happen elsewhere, unless they directly impact American interests. A few years back some American states, well Maine anyway, had ice-storms. Canada had them too, but a hundred times worse. Canadians knew about the American ice-storms but Americans didn't know about the horrific Canadian ones. How can you support the arrogance of that position?

    The British are far too tolerant of intellectual property theft. I guess the people who do it think they are too far away and too powerful to be caught up with for this sort of thing, but no country is at the top of the heap forever, eventually there may be a backlash and countries may stop buying US shows. To be fair, I think it was commercial interests that started all this sort of thing, to manipulate people into buying certain things in the name of patriotism. (and that old feeling of inadequacy) It is still happening. I don't think it was individual US'ers, although I'm sure in time people began to think the way they had been trained to.You would think by now that they would feel important enough, but it's clear that they don't because they keep telling the rest of us that they are the greatest country in the world. If they really believed that they were, they wouldn't feel the need to keep telling us so! And why are there so many people who have to live in their cars and do without decent food and health care? That is not great by any stretch of the imagination! It is time for America to "come clean" and tell the truth about so many of the things they've lied about.Why do you have elections that are based on the wealth of the winning party. If it were up to me I'd say each party can put it's policies to a television audience, (all to be recorded on the same day, so that there can be no tearing to pieces  something the opposition have come up with) and each party can then go to air during the same week, and then NO MORE touring the country, spending squillions on promoting themselves. No more being allowed to advertise themselves. It is so unfair, a poor person could not get to be president, however good and talented. That's why you get these corrupt individuals.

    We are getting the same sort of thing in Australia, and for the same reasons. Feelings of inferiority and inadequacy, so we tell everyone who will listen, how awful the Brits, the Americans, the French etc are, to try and make ourselves feel better. In fact we don't need to because we are good ENOUGH, like every other nationality, and if we believed that, we would all behave better and be happier. A chip on the shoulder is a heavy thing to have to carry all the time!

    Sorry, you actually asked about apple pie, but everything is connected.

  2. Yeah...Only the American Pie I,II,III.... are american

  3. I always thought it was funny that the US doesn't really have any original food it all came from other countries, except native american food

  4. That's awesome!!

    Well not really because than i guess we've kinda been lied to but i love when people tell me facts that know one thinks will come in handy but they always someday do!!

  5.   how about the hot dog?

  6. Of course it isn’t.

    Why would you even think that?

    **You ruddy Yanks think you invented everything. ;)

    ** P.S. Before anyone gets upset, I am teasing you.


  7. Interesting.  Generally things are invented in the US and perfected elsewhere; but apple pie, frankfurters and hamburgers were merely perfected here.

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