
Did you know that auckland is in new zealand not Australia!!!!!?

by Guest61442  |  earlier

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i have just been looking through the answers to some questions in the "Auckland" part and it seems most people think that they are talking about Australia!! y dont people read things properly!!!!!!!




  1. Auckland is a part of New Zealand. Australia is near this place. When you hear New  Zealand, it comes to your mind Australia because of their location which is just adjacent country.

  2. aukland isnt in australia??

    well stone the bloody crows!

  3. I just had someone ask me how long it would take to drive from Auckland to Sydney!!

    (I did mention it would be quite a trip - and to make sure their windshield wipers were on)

  4. About 4 months back Yahoo decided to separate Australia and New Zealand travel category.

    It used to be Travel >Australia & NZ.

    Since they did this, there has been a glitch in the system and anything that is Posted under NZ ends up in Australia, even though it says NZ.

    to prove my point if you go to Travel >  New Zealand - there is no questions.;_ylt=Amdfo...

    I have tried to point this out to Yahoo many times on their suggestion board to no avail.

    Maybe you would like to  help - go to

  5. Uh.....duh! Isn't Auckland one of the major cities in New Zealand?  It even used to be the capital city until 1865 when it was replaced by Welllington!

  6. yup..i knew dat..probably the person has mistaken that juz bcoz it starts with the letter 'A' it relates to Australia...

  7. You just cleared something up for me - with all the NZ questions I  thought Yahoo had just lumped NZ into the Aussie section but now I know it is the work of ignoramus'.

  8. Yes

  9. Thats Right,

    But I do like to tell my aussie mates that,

    Australia is the West Island of NZ,  and that normally gets there knickers in a twist,   lol

    And at least they dont thnk its in Middle Earth!

  10. haha yeah mate.

    im from auckland lol.

    and im prettttyyyy sure tht its in nz lol.


  11. Without wanting to sound anti-American thanks to  international events like Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Vietnam, Iraq, Iran, American Indians....need I go on.

    Back to my answer...When I was in San Francisco I was asked by a Government employee, "Do they speak English?"

    You know who needs to up there geography and history curriculum!

    Kia ora

  12. It was annoying me too.  I normally look at the Australia questions (being an Aussie) and am continually shocked to see questions about Auckland.  I even told someone to post their question elsewhere (which made me feel mean).

    I guess its an honest mistake for someone that doesn't know much about Australia or NZ wouldnt' be too unusual for someone down here to think a city that was in Canada was in the US...would it?

  13. No people never seem to read and analyse properly anymore.  Just like no one seems to really listen anymore either.  But yeh, Aukland is certainly in NZ!

  14. Yes, I know that Auckland is in New Zealand.

  15. Hahha, that's exactly what I was thinking yesterday as I was answering some questions... it's like WTF?

    Why do people answer about Australia when people actually want to know about Auckland.

    I guess it's better than people thinking its Oakland or something totally ridiculous like that!

    It's kind of weird that people will look in the NZ section expecting things to be about Australia..... hmm so curious!

    Thanks for pointing it out, I was thinking it was just me!

  16. I knew that.

    Some people have no sense of geography.

  17. yeah i knew it was in new wldn't in the morning on de 2day show they say the weather 4 new zealand as well as australia, it wld b a bit silly 2 think it was in australia, @ least thts wat i think

  18. I agree with you.

  19. dah

  20. I remember seeing a map in the paper a few years ago that had a BAD drawing of australia, with Auckland attached to the top ( north of Cairns!!!)....I beleive it was where many Canadians beleived was where Auckland was.

    For my part, being a kiwi, i did know that Auckland was in New Zealand and not OZ!

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