
Did you know that bottles can be made out of 100% biodegradable corn?

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Why arent we making more products out of corn. There is a company called NOBLE JUICE, they make the bottles for their juice out of 100% corn and will bidegrate in just 90 days! Why on earth are companies not being forced to utilize this genius creation? We are supposedly in a global environmental crisis, yet plastic is still used? It makes no sense. They could probably even make garbage bags out of this too? Why not?




  1. Well answer man, for something to biodegrade it must exposed to microorganisms, such as those found in soil—not on a store shelf. Therefore, biodegradable bottles sitting on shelves are not something of concern. Secondly, recycling plastic bottles creates even more pollution than throwing them away. Some cities have actually banned the sale of individual bottles of water because of the large contribution to pollution. The only things worth recycling are aluminum, tin and glass. Paper bags are created at the cost of cutting down trees, not smart considering trees purify our air. Then recycling said paper creates more waste.

    It would take an environmentally concerned government to force the companies in America to reduce plastic and use corn for everything. I haven’t found environmentally friendly garbage bags, though I would check your local Whole Foods or health foods store.

    Corn is an excellent option, but as many have pointed out, there are a lot of environmentally UN-friendly things associated with corn growing and the processes used to productions that use corn.

  2. Steve had a good point about the hidden costs of corn (pesticides, GMO, etc) but considering that plastic comes from oil, I'm not sure that's much better. We need a way to do corn properly.

    I just wanted to tell you that I recycled a business envelope today and the clear window in the envelope was also made from corn. Pretty cool.

  3. On bottles;

    What if it sits on the self for more than 90 days.

    What's wrong with recycling Plastic.  They got recycling bins all over the place.  

    On bags;

    Why not just use paper bags then.  Which ever is cheaper they both should degrade.

  4. Yes, they make all sorts of containers out of corn.  Car companies have also been able to make car exteriors, interiors out of soy products that are completely biodegradable.  Plus, it takes more chemicals and energy to make a paper bag than plastic, PLUS, it takes more energy (almost twice) to recycle a paper bag then to just get another plastic all of the bleach to make the paper white again...

  5. Yep..I'v seen salads in containers made of corn. I think its a good idea.

  6. you have to be brain dead.

    the price of food is already sky high due to them making ethanol from corn.

    now you want bottles made from corn.

    then we will have the price for corn chips at $20 a bag.

    and the price of other food will go up as the farmer try to grow more corn.

    one other thing many people buy things on sale that are in bottles.

    how will they store things like carbonated soft drinks that they buy on sale of they are going to blow up in 90 days when the bottles biodegrade.

    or some one forgets and put a soft drink in the cupboard.

    and a few months later finds ants feeding on the leaking bottle.

    that sound like those biodegradable plastic bags for storage.

    i had two sleeping bags stored in one and was checking my camping gear for summer and found the plastic bag had biodegraded and water had got into the sleeping bags and now they are moldy

  7. The US does not have enough viable land to grow corn.  Corn is used to feed people and animals.  We use more pesticides and fertilizers now that are running into the Mississippi river and down into the Gulf of Mexico.  The gulf has what is called the  "Dead Zone" where no fish or crustaceans can survive and it's getting larger everyday.

  8. the process is more expensive

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