
Did you know that everyone is scared of the dark?

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It is proved in science that everyone is scared of the dark even though if you say that you aren't, and men, please don't act tough saying that you aren't.




  1. it is true, i myself feel restless when i'm in a dark space or at night in my own bed, it isn't the darkness that scares me so much but the deathly silence that gives me the creeps and often i ended up switching on the lights just to see that nobody is watching me. fear of darkness is a primordial thing because human eyesight isn't good, you cannot see in the dark, this primordial fear has been with us since the dawn of mankind it is because back then humanity had natural predators most of them being nocturnal.

  2. Because our eyesight is so poor in the dark, and that makes people feel more vulnerable...duh

  3. Every human that walk on the face of this earth is afraid of the dark... In one manner or another.... And the reasons why they are is deeply ingrained in the minds of all humans...... So they can say no I am not afraid... But when things go bump in the day time  people  look for the reasons why... But let something go bump into the night and the human attitude is totally different........................

  4. Tell that to Mephistopheles and Pazuzu.

  5. maybe a lot of people are afraid of the dark but there are probably even more that arent there is really nothing to fear from it its just most people imagine scary things or remember scary movies and think the person from that movie is standing in the corner or something but i find the dark soothing just to sit and relax and enjoy yourself if your outside you can see all the city and lights (i live on the side of a hill with a pretty good view of the city) but i dont think EVERYONE is scared of the dark  

  6. im afraid of the dark...i need to see where am at...

  7. I think that everyone just feels an anxiety with the unknown = DARK (when you can't see/know what's ahead of you!)

  8. Not on a concious level though. there is a rise in heart rate, brathing etc and a little bit more adreniin, but this doesn't always indicatefear. It is a natural response to not being able to see. You senses increase so that you are aware of dnger and are ready to run away if you need to.

    Not everyone is conciouslly afraid of the dark. Presonally I prefer the dark.

  9. that a cool fact i never knew that EVERYONE was.  =]


  10. I often walk in the dark, I enjoy the chill and the strange noises of night creatures.

  11. yea sure


    i'm a flying mermaid

  12. I love the dark.

    I suppose it's possible that on some level it's a little scary, but I really enjoy walking alone at night, listening to night noises, feeling the night air, letting my night-vision come on, or looking at how the moonlight shines on things. It's all beautiful and enchanting.

    Maybe the fear is just part of the thrill and rapture.

  13. I know I am, But I didnt know everyone was!

    Thanks for sharing! =]

  14. Im not afraid of the dark after i stopped paying my electricity$$$$$$$ and from now on the library will support my computer time

  15. I'd really like to know where that's proved.  A link, perhaps?

    You might be misinterpreting the study.  All people might not be afraid of the dark, but rather afraid of the things that could be in it.

  16. not so much the dark i guess but the things that might lurk.

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