
Did you know that for every one illegal immigrant you deport you will creat three jobs for U.S. citizens?

by  |  earlier

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But then, do you think a U.S. citizen will want to do their job.




  1. maybe you could go "creat" something more useful than standing on the corner unemployed in your low rider jeans and wife beater t-shirt mumbling mexican to your 15 siblings.

  2. Cite your source.

  3. you sir, are a douchebag. a big one. youre personal opinion doesnt count as a source for your so called statistics.

  4. No I didn't know that, and no they would still not be willing to do those jobs.

  5. "But then, do you think a U.S. citizen will want to do their job."

    Um, last I checked, those are not "their" jobs. They are jobs that Americans can, will, and have been doing well before these illegals became such huge problems like they are now.  It's not Americans fault greedy employers want to pay $5 an hour for a job that should bay $12.

  6. So it takes 1 to deport, one to teach his/her boss how to hire English speaking replacement(s) and one to do his/her job?

    Makes sense to me.

    Banana! You've been saved!!!! Now, if you'll only apply it to your own life.



    Can't... uh...


    There isn't an illegal in the U.S., Canada or anywhere Sunward of Pluto that'd work for less than $8!!!! And that was like 6 years ago!!!

    By now, it's more like $15 to $40


  7. Plus, considerng it takes 4 taxpayers to pay for all the services each ilegal uses, it's a huge savings all around.

  8. at first i failed to see the addition to the question.  

    NO they won't!!!!  

    they all want to be be doctors or lawyers or drug addicts!

    people complaint of high prices on food imagine if the illegal immigrants be deported who will pic the fruit or vegetables and how much would a tomato cost?  with no cheap labor everything will be more expensive and all lawyers and doctors will have experience picking grapes or   flipping burges! right?

  9. Where do you get this nonsense from?

  10. how can u possibly create 3 jobs? either illegal immigrants must be workin an average of 3 jobs or bustin their as**s on one job. thats nonsense, at least provide us with your sources

  11. and those 3 jobs will stay helpwanted because nobody will want to do them they are probly construction and farm work

  12. For every 5 questions you posted, not one has the least bit of intelligent life in them.

    You DON'T see

  13. do you know GOD is watching everyones heart and everyone will be judged according to their deeds, now are you above God's Law of LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR?

    Think about it, and may God defend the defenseless and may forgive those that Harm,

  14. No I didn't know that b4 thanks for the information.

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