
Did you know that gas prices are going to DOUBLE over the next 18 months. And then TRIPLE over the 36 months?

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When and where is this going to end?

Hey, I can afford it if gas prices triple. I can pay it.

But I will forgo all luxuries, travel, fine food, good wine, new clothes, expensive cable TV packages, new CDs, and many other things which are ultimately unnecessary.

And I suspect that there are MILLIONS of guys in the exact same position as me.

If that's true, and we stop buying all the aforementioned goods and services, then the economy will go into a major slump!

So where will all this end!?




  1. I'm already finding it hard to make tough decisions when it comes to purchases. A gallon of gas is the same as a gallon of milk here...I need the milk for the kids, but I need the gas to get to work to pay for the milk that the kids need...My family already gave up a trip to see my brother-in-law graduate from college...(first in the family) and we are looking a cutting out our Christmas trip back home to show off the baby that is due in November.

    I don't think it will ever end at this has already gotten so out of control.

  2. You answered the question.  You said, "...and we stop buying all the aforementioned goods and services, then the economy will go into a major slump!"

    At that point, will it finally come to an end.  I think we're on a course of inevitable increasing inflation and nothing is going to halt it at this point except for a complete break down of our economy.

  3. the gas sellers are trying to kill us. like saudi arabia. they are raising the gas prices like crazy.they're trying to kill us. like u said. breakdown or economy. it will stop when it happens

  4. If gas prices go up that high, so will everything else. Most goods in this country are shipped by trucks, which use diesel fuel. Retailers will have to pay more to have goods sent to their stores, which will raise the price of everything we buy that is not locally made.

  5. ya ya ya for a republican and this is what you get....HAha!

  6. If it doubles and can expect most of everything else will..except wages.

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