
Did you know that if you put a brick?

by  |  earlier

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in your toilet cistern, you can save 3000 litres of water a year.

do you have any other ideas for saving our planet?




  1. Yes I did know, and no I have no other ideas, sorry!

  2. the options are all there its just getting people to do the right thing now ...switch of that light turn of your computer...who is going to start it then

  3. Yes I did know that. It's been common practice for about 15 years.

  4. I did know about the brick, I actually use a bottle filled with water (couldn't find a brick).

    I make my own solar garden lights (it's probably easier to buy them) and use them as 'ambient lighting' indoors. Of course, it has to be sunny and I have to remember to put them outside to charge and bring them in again at dusk. They provide enough light to see by in the parts of the house I'm not usually in, or just passing through. And I like them better than candles.

    That's about the only great idea I've had, so far.

  5. Yes, I did know that, although the cops confiscated it.  =(  As for "saving our planet," I would suggest that it's not our planet that needs saving.  It's us.  When the earth is done with humanity, it will cast us off with not even a second glance.  Humans are a bit egotistical when it comes to our own importance in the grand scale.  We can't save our planet any more than we could destroy our planet.

  6. thanks i will do that, sorry apart from using less transport and recycling i don't know

  7. Yes, turn the heating thermostat down a couple of notches,  make sure you walk as often as you can rather than use the car,  save water by directing rainwater from the guttering into a water butt which can be used to water the garden.  Don't run the tap whilst cleaning your teeth to conserve water, buy the energy effecient light bulbs( a good deal at Morrisons supermarket at the moment, Philips Energy saving light bulbs, 2 for 99p either s***w fixing or bayonet, 40, 60 & 100 watt)

  8. There are plenty of ideas, but the more recent suggestion is to put a filled water bottle in the toilet tank instead of a brick because pieces of the brick may break off and clog your sanitary system.

    My suggestions:

    Walk more.

    Buy less stuff.

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