
Did you know that illegal immigrants are good people to?

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This guy had a chance to disappear, but he chose not to.

Illegal Immigrant from Mexico Helps Crash Survivor




  1. soe still does not belong here go back and try again legaly.

  2. it's the same with any race just as their is crazy white people their is crazy black,Hispanic,African you know so why say all immigrants are bad???

  3. Many criminals are described by the people that knew them but that were unaware of their criminal background as loving caring and nice people. Ted Bundy has been described by many people as one of the nicest people they knew. he also killed a bunch of innocent women.

    I don't have an issue with if they are nice people or not. I have an issue with them breaking the law to be here.

  4. One example can not classify the whole group of people.

    Fact is, no one debates whether they are "good people" or not, they simply want them gone unnless they want to be here legally.

    Which I fully agree with.

  5. Tell you what I don't disagree with you but I can tell you many more stories about illegals who get into traffic accidents, kill an American citizen then run off while the person they hit is bleeding to death in their wrecked car.  How about the illegal in MN who hit the school bus and, killed 4 kids and tried to run away.  Was she a good person?  The press bends over backwards to not cover those stories, instead the press/media makes the ILLEGAL ALIEN the victim.

  6. dont expect understanding  from this bunch of self righteous  c***s

  7. And some kill people. It's a strange world.

  8. But the problem is they broke laws.

    Immigration laws are here for protection.

    Our economy cannot handle 20 million low paid, unskilled laborers.

    Do you understand what happens when companies stop paying livable wages to hire illegal aliens? why would a company pay yuou $20 an hour, when they can hire an illegal at $5 an hour and offer no benefits (or even workman protection)? before they illegal was here, they were paying you $20 an hour + benefits because we had a 4.6% unemployment rate and they would have hard time finding other workers. These illegals are not afforded protection from job places, because they do not exist. The employee gets hurt at work.. do you think a company that paid him under the table is going to take care of his medical expenses?

    By supporting policies that ignore illegal immigration laws, you are hurting the very people you want to support.

    Now that the illegal has your job and makes less money, workers have less money to spend in your community, while only a select few have more.

    We have health standards in the united states to stop deadly diseases from spreading. You mentioned mexico, and they have no standards for health. simply google the health standards in mexico.

    Finally, this illegal alien requires the use of fire and medical personal. I would say theres an 85-95% chance hes paid under the table, so while hes not paying taxes, he is still using services that you require. you have less money going police/fire/medical, but more people requiring their assistance. And this absolutely the case 20 mins from my home. due to surge of illegal aliens to a particular city, they had to cut two full time police officers (breman indiana).

    He might be the nicest person on the planet, but he broke our laws placed to protect us (and him)

  9. There's lots of stories like that but ppl choose to ignore those. Instead they report on the illegals that killed somebody. What I want to know is this ~ If illegals kill 25 Americans a day why do antis keep posting the same story everday about 1 guy? They should be able to pull lots of stories up if what they say is true. We should see 25 NEW stories everday but we don't. How come?

  10. Sadly greasyto not one wants to admit there are some good illegal immigrants. All the answers on this are pure negative ones about illegal immigrants

  11. yes most immigrants if you get to know them are very nice some arent

    its not their fault mexico has a bad goverment that cant help them if you asked every single immigrant why they came here i bet you almost 100% would say because they are here to work

  12. in my town, which is about 75% or more mexican and im assuming most are illegal, gang voilence and driveby's have been happening a lotttttt. Here's the crazy thing, not one person who isnt a mexican is in that gang, no one else is allowed in.

    whats ur excuse for those people?

  13. They broke the law by coming here illegaly. Not that hard to understand is it Greasy?

  14. yes and some are bad...they are just like any others except they are here illegally. Whats your point?

  15. Good or bad they are breaking the law.  Would you permit someone to break into your home no matter what the cost (injury to themselves or otherwise) just to have what you have. No there is a process that goes into who you invite into your home. Face it, historically if another nation was doing what the illegal immigrants are doing to America it would be considered invation. Its not a question of good or bad but what is right and lawful.

    Good that the new oxymoron

  16. No,they're not. Good people respect the law as well as the country they're living in and the citizens of that country.

    By the way, I think it'll take a lot more than 1 single story from last year to prove otherwise.

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