
Did you know that it is John Presott's birthday today would you like to send him a message?

by Guest62622  |  earlier

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  1. Yep.

    Happy birthday, fatty and thanks for nothing.

  2. happy b day 2 jags.....

  3. Yeah, the next time you go walkabout, John, put on your boxing gloves, okay?

  4. no

  5. Bring me a G&T, Two Shags and make it snappy!

    From his cruiseship days

  6. who is john prescott???

  7. i'd just like to say i hope he enjoyed his cakes.......

    happy birthday .....

  8. Leave the pies alone

  9. Happy birthday John, eat my shorts, then thow up,

                                                                Love Homer xx

  10. Aw, good ol' John.

    I only live across the river from him, so I reckon I'll take a moment out of my day to drop a bag of flaming dog poo off on his doorstep.

    He should like that.

  11. many happy returns - thats bulimia for you!!

  12. Have 3 gateaux, 6 gallons of lager, 3 bottles of gin, 100 bags of crisps. 2 kebabs and a bottle of Irn Bru on the rest of the government when you throw up. Cover them in puke and drown the sods.

  13. Many happy returns John

  14. Happy Birthday , hope he can celebrate it as much as we in Bridlington celebrated after he threw a spanner in our works.

    ie:Opposed our building of a new marina !

    Cheers you bloater for stomping on our attempt to make the town better.

  15. No. No.

  16. Make it a happy birthday for everyone and bring that left hook back into play... ;-)

  17. Yes , I would like to tell him not to charge the increase on petrol for his two Jags to the tax payer.  Although knowing him he has already covered this.  Time he retired anyway and we will have to pay for that as well.  I hate running down anybody, there's no need for it, but this man really puts my back up.

  18. Happy Birthday - all the best!

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