
Did you know that it is explicitly stated under Yahoo! Community Guidelines?

by  |  earlier

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That questions should be asked clearly?

"Keep your questions succint, but be descriptive enough to help people understand what you're asking. Correct spelling and grammar help people find your questions, and you'll get better answers when others can clearly make out what you're asking."

Do you suppose this is a primary reason many find "text", poor spelling and grammatically incorrect questions so frustrating?;_ylt=Ajb8awN_Ce6mvKaanNMfK5w_zKIX;_ylv=3




  1. I agree that it is annoying and frustrating...

    but I doubt that correcting the kids -and I mean 'kids' because their questions make their age obvious-  would accomplish anything other that a thumbs down for you.

    Adult questions and topics.... maybe.

    Sorry!  Maybe I will be the one with a thumbs down now.

  2. if only spelling and grammar came easy to others i would fully understand but I for one have the hardest time spelling and using grammar!  

    it's a very slow process trying to learn it as well!

    another sad thing is i have typed out questions in the past that i felt were 100% clear

    but apparently it wasn't!  so why everyone else was saying why don't you make it clear your confusing me.. I'm trying to find a way to make it more simple!  i mean it was simple i didn't use big words i spelled it all correctly or to the best of my ability with spell check!  Even made sure that i didn't use them and it to much so you would know what I'm talking about!

    it looked clear to me!  

    so i would agree with you100% if we were all clones and thought like each other.. but that's the joy of others we all don't process information in the same way!  and frankly i find it ignorant when others expect one too be like them or spell like them!  

    rules are bent rules are broken so are guidelines!  but what is clear to me may not be clear to you because we are different!   yet you will or could jump all over me because you don't see the same thing i see when i read it!

    it doesn't make you wrong unless you complete judge someone for that!  and I feel there is a lot of that in this yahoo answers!

    if someone is so smart to understand how to spell a word then the figuring it out is like someone who has a hard time reading or understanding!

    all i can say is WELCOME TO MY WORLD! so as frustrating as you can get when you are decoding some mis spelt words or restructuring the questions. People who learn slowly like me get frustrated on normal words like this!  Yet i don't give up I keep trucking along.. I don't whine about it I accept that who i am and work with it or around it!  I get so fed up with people saying how hard it is to read a question that is spelt wrong!  (no i'm not talking about internet short hand)

    To bad everyone wasn't just like you smart spellers!  and good grammar people!  then we wouldn't have the DAILY frustrations of making out what you all say!  yet we don't whine well not all of us anyway!

    but i will say the lazy ones do suck!

    Best wishes!

  3. I guess so.

    People break this rule all the time and it doesn't seem to matter. Many other rules seem to be violated too, and they don't care.

  4. Which is easier to read and understand, and which makes you want to answer the question more?

    i m vry bad wid grls.

    it's not dat i am ugly. but i dnt knw, i jst cnt find a date

    I'm very bad with girls.

    It's not that I am ugly, but I don't know, I just can't find a date.

    Ridiculous how lazy some people are, eh?

  5. No.... How could you possibly draw a conclusion like that?  People find poor spelling and bad grammar frustrating because it's extremely annoying.  Instead of just reading a question, you have to interpret and figure out what they're trying to ask, where if they would take 5 more seconds to write their question properly, we would understand it.  It has nothing to do with the community guidelines.  No one reads those or even cares what they say.

    Because according to the guidelines (as you stated in your question), 90% of the questions on here are violations.

  6. No, I do not. Guidelines, to many of us are merely that....guidelines. The typical A-type personality person would however elevate these and any other guidelines to represent LAWS CAST IN STONE.

    Personality makes some easier to be frustrated by '....."text", poor spelling and .....".

    I enjoy all questions, as long as I can understand them.

  7. Yeah, I got done for criticising the grammar spelling and even meaning of a question, tried to use those guidelines as a defence and still failed in my appeal.  Apparently, saying those things (I was not rude or personal) constituted an insult.  Well, from now on, I stick it to Y!A regs!

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