
Did you know that it is not all the illegal aliens fault that he/she is still illegal?

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The usa's government is lazy. They are not up to date on the paper work that processes the aliens. Why should the government do their job anyway they're still going to get paid.. I'm waiting to see what kind of smart a-- comment P.R.L will leave!




  1. maybe so but they should go back to their home country and wait instead of breaking the law every day they are here.

  2. Yes I know all they need to do to fix it though is F-ing LEAVE!

  3. Why isn't it their fault?  they just couldn't wait for the proper paperwork to get filed.... I guess they came here in an emergency?.   YES it takes a LONG time for the paperwork to get done, there are background checks and personal interviews that have to occur for citizenship to ensure that we are letting in people that actually will help the US in some way.... we don't need any criminals... which is what the ILLEGAL aliens are.. CRIMINALS... There are MILLIONS of people that waited to get the paperwork done... just because they didn't want to bother doesn't make it all right.

  4. It IS their fault.  Your kidding, right.  Of course the government is slow and inefficient.  It is their job, they are excellent at it.

    But if he is HERE illegally, before the paperwork is processed by the slow, lazy government, it IS his fault.  

    example:  I met my wife while living and working in Ukraine and filed for a fiancee visa for het to come here (perfectly legal)  We waited 6 months and sent a forest full of papers and documents and photos (d**n, we must have had to give 20 passport photos during the process, they like photos more than my mother does!)  and then, I found out later from an immigration "adjudicator" that it probably took UNDER 15 minutes to review and approve our visa!!!  But my (then) fiancee HAD to remain in Ukraine until her visa was in hand.  If she came here before that, despite that it takes the lazy government 6 months to do 15 minutes work, SHE would be illegal and it would be HER fault.  I look at it this way though.  An American woman would take as long to plan the wedding and then I would have to be married to an American woman.  

    I am curious.   You obviously understand the failure of socialist policies (getting paid whether you are productive or not) but I wonder if your beliefs apply to all phases of proven socialist failures or only those that apply to being inconvieneint to illegal aliens. ???

  5. Yes, it is true that government is not up to date on paper work for people to get VISAs or become US Citizens(that is because there are so many applications being processed these days compared to 10, 15 years ago).  Only problem with your logic is that most illegals DO NOT FILE ANY PAPERWORK!!!!!   So how is it gov't's fault??????

  6. The government makes it hard for them to be able to apply for visas, and not to mention the long time they have to wait for the paper work to process, and most are working like slaves to make ends when do they have time? This is another reason why they decide to cross the border illegally. Government officials recently asked the voters for a 50% pay increase!!!!!........yeah! they had the nerve to ask durning this economical crunch.

  7. How is it not their fault if they came here illegally to begin with?

  8. You are incorrect.

    If someone entered illegally it most definitely IS their fault they are here.  No one held a gun to anyone's head and said "you are entering this country illegally Pedro."

    DEPORT illegal alien criminals.  If someone enters this country illegally, they deserve nothing from us but a boot in the backside.

  9. WRONG! WRONG! You are suppose to keep your status current at all times, when you apply for adjustment of status, you must still have a valid visa by applying for an extension of that visa. A good lawyer would tell you this.  You do not allow your visa to expire just because you have applied for adjustment in status

  10. You have no clue what you're talking about.

    Illegal means "the sneaky baztards SNUCK IN like vermin".  The only "processing" of paperwork the LAZY (you actually got THAT right) U.S. Government does on an illegal is when (and IF) they bother to deport their azzes.

    I wish they had a hotline that I could call and the border patrol would show up like an ambulance ... like, within 5 minutes, and haul the illegals away ... there's way too many of them in my town, and I hate them.

  11. How about you stop insulting the American government? It's a h**l of a lot better than Mexico's stupid corrupt government, as well as the other countries people are fleeing. That's one of the things that burns me about illegals. They are so negative about Americans, our government, and our way of life. They have no interest in learning our language and assimilating. If that's how you feel about us, please stay out. Being in our country illegally shows complete disregard for our law and order. People bold enough to ever be here illegally should NEVER be granted citizenship!

  12. (Snort)  It's ALL the illegal aliens' fault that he/she is illegal to begin with.  They start off illegally by illegally entering the country.  Even with the Reagan amnesty, the majority never bothered to pay the minuscule fine and become legal.  

    News flash!  The term is personal responsibility.  They created their own problem. It's not the government's responsibility to make it easy for them to fix a problem that they created for themselves.

    In my personal opinion they should NEVER be allowed to become legal.  Once they violate our immigration laws, they should show a contempt for our country and our laws.  I don't think they deserve any legal status after that.

  13. It is their fault, seems to me illegals are the lazy ones by not filing the paper work before they come or before their visa's run out. Illegals are not up to date on the laws to come here I guess since they do not follow them!!

  14. Yes it is their fault. If you can't be here legally then go home,apply and wait just like all the people who actually put in the hard work and patience to come here legally.

  15. When they sneak across the border ...guess what ..they don't have any paper work to begin with.   That makes them criminals.

  16. The U.S. government lazy? Possibly, Overwhelmed? Definitely.

    The U.S. government does not owe any foreign national anything. They are not bound by a time line. If becoming an American is that important to a person then they can be patient.

    By diverting the responsibility away from the illegal alien one serves only to enable and embolden more illegal immigration, and there is no denying that with more illegal immigration comes more senseless death in the desert.

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