
Did you know that one third of the worlds SMOKERS live in China?

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That's a true stat.

Wonder if they will butt out for the Olympics? Bet the pharma companies could make a killing selling nicotine patches to the country about now??




  1. No I did not know. Thanks for the information (no sarcasm).

    Nicotine patches.

    are you sure they are efficient?

    China or anywhere!

    The WILL POWER is more efficient than the PATCH POWER.

    Pharma companies sell nicotine patches because they can't afford to sell cigarettes.

  2. did you know that on a grand scale, 1 out of every 3 people are asian? as well as 1 out of every 6 people are chinese.

  3. Considering how many Chinese die every day from smoking related cancers, they may not be many to sell patches to

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