
Did you know that..?

by  |  earlier

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only 30% of plastic bottles thrown in the recycling bin are actually recycled! you know how on the bottom of the bottles there is a little plastic number? well they only recycle the bottles that have a 7,8, or 9 on them. and then they just throw out the numbers 1-6 and 10. does anyone else think that's f*cked up? i mean if I'm wasting my time throwing my bottles in a recycling bin, i EXPECT them to recycle them, and i mean every last one. all i ever hear is people preaching about global warming but then this is happening all over american cities.




  1. Yes, I did know that.  For curb side recycling many people are stupid and they still put things in plastic bags (we are told no plastic bags of any kind)  everything in the plastic bag gets thrown out because they clog up the machine that does the sorting.  Some recycling centres don't recycle bottles with the tops on them, but it is up to each of us to learn what can and can't be recycled in our area.  Each area is different so be sure you learn the rules for your area.  Only certain types of plastic get recycled because often there are no buyers for the other kind, but again this depends on the area you live in.  I have heard that only about 40% of items sent to the recycling plant end up being recycled for one reason or another.

  2. well, where exactly did you get your info?

    you know, you cannot beleive every single thing you read to be credible.


  3. I have also heard that.  Some recycling plants aren't set up to recycle all types of plastic.  Also some plastics, like melamine can't be recycled at all.  We try to avoid those b/c they also contain BPA.
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