
Did you know that the British Colonists(American) revolted when those like Obama tried to take away guns?

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Did you know that the British Colonists(American) revolted when those like Obama tried to take away guns?




  1. A lot of the world still find Americans revolting?

  2. From the Charlton Heston edition of American History?

  3. let them all have guns and kill heck with the law.....this is the beliefs of dubya and guantanamo bay

  4. Did you know that was over 200 years ago and has no bearing on what should happen in today's era?

    When the Brits colonised America:

    -Women were nothing

    -All non-whites were scum

    -There was no electricity

    -Everyone ate spoiled meat

    Should we re-introduce laws about this... if people said in the 1700s Century lets give women equal rights they would have revolted!! KEEP UP WITH IT GUNS KILL PEOPLE!!!!

    Q:why do you need a gun?

    A: self-defense

    Q:what are you defending yourself from?

    A: robbers, murderers

    Q:how are they trying to kill you?

    A: GUNS!!!!!!!

    Solution: If guns were illegal then you would not have to defend yourself and no need for guns! DAH its pretty f'en simple!

    America has a very high rate of crime and murder... why? GUNS!!!! Australia has on average 1 murder per 6 months (guns are illegal)... america is closer to 1 per 6 hours!

  5. Be real!!!!!!Learn your history, and quit making weak attempts at feigning intelligence.

  6. The Revolutionary war was not about gun control.  It was about taxation without representation.  It was about freedom of religion.  It was about breaking free from an oppressive government.  

    However, I do agree with you on gun control.  The government should not attempt to go there.  It is messing with our First Amendment rights.  If our government can take away or at least severely limit, "the right to bear arms," then no right within the First Amendment is safe.  

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