
Did you know that the DNC gave the black community more delegates and super delegates?

by Guest58831  |  earlier

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i belive thats why hillary his down whta do u think

hillary 08




  1. I think you're wrong.

    Pledged delegates are by primary or caucus results, not by race.  And Superdelegates are defined in the party rules, again not by race.

  2. I don't know where you're getting your information, but African-Americans do not have more delegates or superdelegates.  In fact, it's really not even close; whites have far more of both.

    Secondly, the DNC does not arbitrarily "give" delegates to any particular constituency.  Instead, they allocate delegates based on "democratic performance."  That formula identifies districts that consistently vote for democratic candidates.  Those areas tend to be concentrated in urban areas.  Urban areas tend to have significant African-American populations.  

    Although Obama tends to receive more support from African-American voters, that is a normal product of any election.  Every successful candidate performs better in certain demographics.  For example, Clinton performs better amongst uneducated whites; Obama performs better amongst educated people.  Clinton performs better amongst old people; Obama performs better amongst young people.  The appeal is rooted in philosophical and personality differences more than racial differences.  If race was the sole reason that Obama was ahead, then Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would've probably been more viable candidates because the same delegate rules existed when they ran for the nomination.  

    The fact of the matter is that this campaign consists of many complex dynamics that cannot be neatly reduced into one, over-simplified explanation.  Trying to pin everything on race is like looking at a forest and only seeing one tree.

  3. i bet you voted for bush...twice

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