
Did you know that the causes of cancer have already been discovered??

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And its all in the stimulated follicle!! Why do people still continue to pay thousands to cancer research when we already know the steps to stop cancer?




  1. You are wrong, as are Hari and Austin. Greek could possibly be right in that it is always possible for something to get better with alternative therapy just like it is possible for someone to do poorly from conventional therapy. however, if you look at the number of people who get worse (or are not helped) with alternative therapy and compare THAT with # helped by conventional therapy, then the numbers heavily favor conventional therapy. Besides, having an exceptioon does not disprove the rule- I have seen people who survived > 10,000 foot falls without a parachute; this does not mean they don;t work nor that we don't need them.

    The Big Business lie kills me--- you think the alternative medicine industry isn't big business? The dollars spent on this industry (out of pocket dollars mind you) DWARF standard medical expenses. If anyone has an incentive for money, it is the alternative therapy market. > 1/2 of my income comes from Medicare and Medicaid- they at least require me to submit information to justify my therapies, paying only for those with scientific justification. That is to say, I have a standard I am held to at least. Most alternative practitioners have no standard, and most practices they prescribe have no sound scientific backing.

    Mind you, I am not against alternative medicine per se. I believe there is some truth within its scope of care; most though is based on the financial motives of people preying on very vulnerable patients, and I despise that unethical practice.

    God bless, best wishes

  2. You are mistaken. No one knows what 'causes' cancer . . what you have heard is not documented scientific evidence.  Please provide a reliable source for your comment.

  3. cause of cancer is deficit of antioxodents

  4. All cancers are different, but I have met people who have been cured or have it in remission with macrobiotics. I have met others who have been cured with alternative treatments.  I had a older cousin who had colon cancer and surgery and chemo cured him, but I have had 2 other relatives who died quickly after getting getting conventional treatments. One had a chemo session on a friday and died the following tuesday. One had radiation, said no after 4 - 5 treatments and died a few weeks later.  

  5. Why?? Because for some unethical MD's Cancer is a BIG booming business!  

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