
Did you know that the government is seizing Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae?

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NYT - Senior officials from the Bush administration and the FederalReserve informed top executives of Fannie Mae and FreddieMac, the mortgage-finance giants, that the government ispreparing a plan to seize the two companies and place them ina conservatorship, officials and company executives briefedon the discussions said.




  1. it looks like our next stimulus check may go to help with this bail out  

  2. i know i wonder what they'll do know, i bet this is what they wanted.  

  3. I heard about that.  Just what we need.  The govt controlling even more money!  

  4. Seizing???? As in seizing assets???? Of which there are NONE????

    It's more like the US is borrowing even more money from the Federal Reserve to bail out the formerly privitized governmental organization.

    They allow profits to be privitized.  They socialize the losses.  In other words, the greedy holes want to own it when it is profitable.  But when they have "deregulated" so much that you get another melt down (like the savings and loan melt down in the 70's - another Bush orchestrated financial "crisis")  then they believe "the people" should bail them out.  

  5. Ahhhhhh no they are not and it is the repubs who are for deregulation  

  6. thank you Nancy, for another government bureaucracy

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