
Did you know that the lib/con distraction is stupid, needlessly divisive, and hurts America?

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Are you aware that one doesn't have to be "either/or"?

Did you know that it is possible for cons to disagree with Bush, and libs to disagree with Clinton?

You had no idea, did you?




  1. Of course it doesn't have to be either/or.   You could always choose Libertarian!

  2. Thank you for this question. Absolutely. And the problem with lib/con arguments is that it ultimately amounts to nothing. I myself align much more with a conservative ideology, but I acknowledge that both parties are corrupt, both ruin the country. To align yourself with a specific party like it's really as cut and dry as Us v. Them is flawed thinking. It distracts us from real issues and what's really going on, like the slow and steady death of our Constitution and Republic.

    We spend all the time debating what IS, which in my mind has no real end. It goes on for forever. Did Bush lie and all that jazz for oil? It looks like that may be true, but who really knows for sure. There really is evidence for both arguments, and what we descend to is "your evidence is propaganda" and "no, it's your evidence that is propaganda" and we go around in circles.

    I advocate we debate where we SHOULD be going and CAN be going because it is something that can be discussed with substantiation rather than a mere factual dispute.

  3. Thank you, this is what I have been telling people all along,  With the exception of the overaged hippies on the left, and the fanatical far right most people can find good in both lib and con,  

  4. Of course it is divisive and stupid.

    While we bicker and nit pick trying to figure out who is right we are watching out nation go down the drain.  It isn't the libs fault, it isn't the cons fault it is our fault for not demanding accountable government.

  5. Yes, I wish liberals would have realized that years ago when our country went to war.

  6. sure ... but this is a great place to vent

    part of loving America means I don't have to like what some people say, but I'll defend their right to say it

    every once in a while I see a well thought out opinion and it makes it worth while

  7. LOL I had an idea

  8. Many of us realize this fact. But nothing works so well for a government born of secrecy and division than pitting one American against another simply because they have different ideas of how to achieve the same goals.

  9. i agree,liberals are only hurting america!

  10. yes, it is completely divisive. kathleen sebelius, the current democratic governor of normally-republican kansas, once said that "my parents (one from each party) had more common than the politics that divided them"

    in order for government to do good, we need our politicians to work in a bipartisan manner. i personally think obama is the better candidate to lead us in bipartisanship, but thats just my opinion, and many think both candidates are good for bipartisanship

  11. What can you say? Your right.....

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