
Did you know that today was national truth day?

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It is the 11TH of every month.

Patriots all across the US and the world, spread the 9/11 truth movement.

There has not been a criminal investigation. What we got was a partisan directed investigation that was first suppressed for 441 days. While the evidence was being destroyed and an illegal war was being waged.

We are not crazy conspiracy theorists but real Americans that refuse to swallow the lies. If people did not fear their government and what others would think, you would hear about this much more. In fact you will hear about this much more I guarantee it.

We cannot be silenced for we represent freedom and truth, and as more people gain the courage to stand up and take responsibility for their civic duty's; more are educated.




  1. That's a lie or we all would have heard those changes being proposed in Congress. Give me a link to recant my answer or stand tilted as a liar does.

    Or change your nickname to "you_lied_tous"!

    EDIT >>> You still have not proved by your links any National Truth Day enacted for the 11th of each I rest my case for the conspiracy theorist like yourself to fumble over 9-11. Remember you called it National Truth Day and it must be enacted into law by the US Congress and the President of the US both of which you could not prove, Point made!

  2. Here's the truth that you won't want to hear: you are a nut case!

  3. No link

    what if your lying?

    how could we prove or disprove

    maybe is my answer

  4. i didn't see any liberal dumbocrats marching in the streets.... oh wait.. that's right..... it was national TRUTH day.

    they couldn't participate.

  5. National Truth Day? Tell that to the politicians..

  6. Did you know that 44.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot?

  7. Every day should be national truth day.  Every word you say is true, of course.  Remember, that investigation they did was to be done by KISSINGER, the maggot ridden filth already wanted around the world for genocide and more lies than can be counted!  Of course they wanted the report to reflect the truth!  Excuse me while I lose my lunch on that one.

    The BBC error ~ reporting the collapse of Bldg 7 25 minutes before the event!

    You must realize, my friend, that these people who doubt are victims of one of the greatest crimes against humanity yet.  They have been mass brainwashed from the getgo to believe the party line.  This conditioning is life long and it is often impossible for them to remove their blinkers.  In fact, most of them do not know they wear blinkers.  

    The truth is so horrible for them to contemplate that they cannot face it.  The sorrow is when they face it and then roll over and go back to sleep!

    Might I suggest you go to my blog and read my latest article on what is our current and greatest danger as Americans and Canadians.  911 was part of it, but now we have serious problems to deal with, even closer to home.   While people argue over 911 and are distracted by other matters, Bush, Harper and Calderone have been rearranging our lives and removing our borders.

    August 19 - 21 they meet in Quebec to sign the papers.  The BUSH has shipped AMERICAN troops into MY COUNTRY to subdue MY PEOPLE when we protest this.  So, let the fools fight over 911 ~  we have more pressing issues to deal with, like FREEDOM and our own liberties to fight for.

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