
Did you know that you are the most beautiful person in the whole wide world?

by  |  earlier

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  1. awww.. thanks!

  2. Thanx I keep telling them that!!!!!!! lol

  3. I can't be. If I am them there has to be something very wrong with me in other areas and that thought scares me much more than not being the most beautiful.  

  4. wow me little old me...why ty :)

  5. haha i wishhhhh!!!!!!!!!!

  6. awww thanks

    for the hypocrisy  :)

  7. Aw, thanks!  

  8. awwwwww no, YOU'RE the most beautiful person in the world


  9. Aww, that's so sweet :) Thank you, so are you!

  10. Nope i thought QuickerPickerUpper was.... =] lma0

    she probably wont see this but still if she ever does she will be smiling =]

  11. Thank you how sweet, you to have a star for that lol what a nice gal Little ''ole'' didn`t know that i was the most beautiful person in the whole wide world lol thanks

  12. well, thank you :) haha.

  13. i don't like liars  

  14. aw thanks

    so are you

  15. You lying swine.

  16. At least to someone I am. Not sure who!

  17. awwwwww thankyou, so are u

  18. It is not what I know that you have said. It is what I believe that you proclaimed. That is the case with everyone on this earth. Each of the even ugliest person thinks that but for some unknown factors, he or she would have been the best ever on this wide world or the universe.

    And that hope only keeps many of us alive on this earth.

  19. tanx baby!!!

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