
Did you know the EUski is stopping the teaching of WW II and the extermination of the Jews and others?

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the EUski is slowly but very surly slowing and then stopping the teaching of the Holocaust and related atrocities committed by the German architects of the EU or the then EEC.

Why are they trying to hide it?

did you know they ordered the UK to never play the world at war series again? did you know they are stopping all programs that show the history of their barbarity and lack of humanity.

they are gradually rewriting history of their past for the younger generations whom do nae know much about the history of the Franco German alliance,

do they think the world will just forget how cruel they were and still are.




  1. By not teaching the truth to our younger generation, yes these facts will eventually disappear UNLESS the people by their own initiatives keep that history alive and made available to the public.  Here in the States, we have seen the dumbing down of American Students.  If what you say is true the entire World is being "dumbed down".  That IS a travesty.  Until people/countries/governments learn from past history, that history will always end up being repeated as they say.

  2. They cannot change history.

  3. This is total bullsh*t, I'm French, living in France, WW2 is the most important subject in history for the last year in college and the last year in high school, where you have the final exams (baccalauréat included) often about WW2.

    There are lots of films and documentaries about holocaust every year on TV, the end of ww2 is till a national day here. So, apart from your hatred  for europeans, on what are you basing your false declaration. Nothing I bet.

  4. Where did you hear this? It sounds completely ridiculous to me. I want some evidence.

    There were a couple of reports last year about schools avoiding teaching it because they didn't want to offend minorities but that's about it. I'm sorry that you seem to think all Germans are inherently evil. It is illegal to deny the Holocaust in the following countries (most of which are in the EU): Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Israel, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Romania, and Switzerland

    Also: "a compromise has been reached within the EU and while the EU has not prohibited Holocaust denial outright, a maximum term of three years in jail is optionally available to all member nations for "denying or grossly trivializing crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes."

    Really can't see them stopping education about it all.

    P.S. The EEC was created in 1957, so it didn't exist during WWII. Do you mean the League of Nations? Although the LofN involved countries from around the world...and it wasn't created by Germans, they weren't allowed in at first. So you probably don't mean the League of Nations.

  5. I think that's horrible

    are they taking it out of schools too?

    This makes no sense!

    Do they honestly believe that not teaching makes it go away?

    like it really did not happen?

    This PC bull is really beginning to get on my nerves...

  6. Where on earth did you get this info from? My daughter's school taught WWII last year and all its horrors. THe History Channel on TV may as well, at times, be renamed the Hitler Channel as it focuses so much on WWII.

    Both great wars are covered in UK school history but you have to remember that it has been 65 years since WWII ended and a lot world events since then also need to be covered. Children of today will not get the in depth study of the war that I did in the 70s because they have other, newer events such as the fall of the Berlin Wall, the collapse of Soviet Russia, Cambodia and Vietnam, the Middle East wars etc to squeeze in too.

    The extermination of the disabled, homosexual, gypsy, jew et al will NEVER be excluded from school history lessons and, in fact, the EU has made it a rule that all German schoolchildren visit the camps. You have a very anti-German tone to your comments. 3 generations of GErmans have grown up since the end of the war and we cannot pass on the  sins of their great grandparents to todays children, that is unfair. Likewise we must not pass on our hatred for the them to the British children of today or the wounds will never heal.

  7. *sigh*

    Please give credible evidence that this ridiculous story has even a semblence of grounding in reality.

  8. Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it.

  9. Proof please, not just 'my mate the MEP sez'...

    Do you know Holocaust denial is ILLEGAL in many EU states, including Germany?

    And UKTV History was showing The World at War a couple of weeks ago.

  10. **** the European Union, and I live there.

  11. This is simply  false . If you want to raise concerns about WWII history  why not the suppression of the belief by some that Hitler's father was an illegitimate Rothschild. The European central bank  is located close to the location that Mayer Rothschild set up their counting house in Frankfurt , Germany or that the 'City of London' and other banking dynasties funded  the national socialist movement  into power.

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