
Did you know the dangers of...?

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Did you know how dangerous dihydrogen oxide can be for babies? I just read a report that shows that it can cause death if it is inhaled, can cause a baby's skin to peel off if exposed to too much of it, can strip the body of natural oils, and can cause death if too much of it is consumed. It is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and kills uncounted thousands of people every year. This really can cause a ton of problems, so please be careful with your babies and dihydrogen oxide. What are some things that you think we can do as parents to protect our kids from these horrible effects?




  1. It's not exactly something you come in contact with every day.  The same thing can be said of thousands of other chemicals out there that we'll never come in contact with.  Why worry about something like this when there are so many other real dangers to worry about?

  2. LMAO...

    Ever see the Penn & Teller where they got the organizer of an Earth rally to sign a petition to ban water?

  3. Oh my god! I expose my baby to this everyday! I will make sure I spread the word and tell everyone I know about this. I had no idea how dangerous it was. I feel like such a bad mother!

  4. LoL.. yay satire.

  5. well i dont allow my baby to be in any lakes or streams or water that i know isnt safe, we dont use industrial solvent and coolants. we dont live near any nuclear power plants. my daughter doesnt come into contact with styrofoam or any fire retardants. as a family we dont carry out animal research or the distribution of pesticides. so i think we'll be just fine!

  6. Would these be the *reports* you read??

    yeah, keep our babies away from plain ole water....

  7. LoL... watch your children around water.

  8. What is dihydrogen oxide?  How would my baby be exposed?

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