
Did you know the illegals just do the jobs that Americans will not be caught doing?

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By the way, here in New York there was a Burger King doing very poorly and it was operated by all white teenage employees. That changed slowly to a all Mexican heritage staff and now the place is always packed and doing very well. Remember the Alamo?




  1. Mostly illegal lmmigrants come to the western world to improve their standard of living, kinda like the American dream huh.

      Who can blame them?.

  2. you just keep telling yourself that and trying to justify why ILLEGAL is no longer wrong just like you supporters do with the race card.. and me and other "anti illegals " will continue our stand.. I guess 40 years ago, nobody did any work since illegals were not here then.

  3. I know that, or, if they do them, they do them very badly

  4. Did you know that illegals constantly try to play this card and Americans aren't believing it now or then????????????????

  5. No,that's a lie.

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