
Did you know the richest people moneywise are Gemini?

by  |  earlier

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Someone else said it was Aries, and another person said it was Taurus, and my aunt said it was Cancer, but my mother said it was Leo, and my father said it was Virgo, and my sister thinks it is Libra, but I read on here that it is Scorpio, and then my next door neighbor's second cousin said it is Capricorn, and I read in a statistical survey that it is Aquarius. Surveys and statistics do not lie, people. And we all know it can't possibly be Pisces because they are worthless toothless losers who daydream and watch bunny clouds all day.

So I took my own survey and found that there are 5 Gemini millionaires in my state. From that study, I concluded that Geminis are probably the richest people moneywise. Opinions?




  1. I myself am a Gemini and I do come into money easily but then again I do have to work for it often..I always pay attention to how much I spend and How much I have left to spend..I am no the best at managing my bank account but I still have an Idea. Then again I know a person who is a Gemini and won alot of money with in the last few years and drops 6,000 in one day but gets 10,000 back...I guess it all depends..

  2. 5 millionaires in one state? That's your evidence? DO NOT become a lawyer...

  3. They won't be rich for long with their spending habits. They make it fast and easy and spend it even faster. When a Gemini gets wealthy it usually does not last long. Poor investments, jumping into things without thinking, impulse shoppers...all of these things can make a rich Gemini sink before long. I've witnessed it in my family.

  4. Who cares money isnt the most important thing in the world no matter how much some people want to think so.

  5. the reason why geminis are probably the richest people moneywise is bc we're good in numbers. and also smart, etc .. yay thats good....

    Pisces because they are worthless toothless losers who daydream and watch bunny clouds all day. hahahaha you crack me up with this one....

  6. pisces are worthless toothless losers?? aww....that's kinda messed up. but it's your opinion, dude.

    taurus is usually the sign that is amazing at money management. but sagittarians are known for being the luckiest signs of the zodiac.

    so i'd say taurus or sag.

  7. Sigh....

    According to Forbes, it's Virgo, with Scorpio being the richest. No Gemini's were listed, that I could find. Sorry.

  8. ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!  :)

    I got the satire, but I don't think many others will.

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