
Did you know there's a UFO expert on Dave Letterman ?

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He's going to be on in a few minutes...unless I misunderstood. I'll try to find his name. Will you watch and report back to us? (I wanna watch Jay!)




  1. This guy is right on the money.

    Actually he's not nuts - if you DO YOUR RESEARCH you'll find many US Government officials have said such things, Including people your lives depend upon (Generals, Corporals, etc.).  Next time please do some reading on informed sources before making random decisions about some guy's sanity.

    there's a video of 21 Government/Military officials speaking out on the subject and repeating what this man has said.  Kudos to Peckman for spreading the truth.

  2. Your inferred premise and conclusion do not match. Try again.

  3. Hah!

    "Our own government has catagorized 57 different species of extraterrestrials"

    This guy's nuts.

    edit for thehumandisease - Me do my research?  Do you even know what a corporal is?  It's rank E4, it's as low as you can get without being a private (PFC E3, PVT E2 and E1).  And you compare them with generals?  You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

    There was no random decision in my original post.  There has never been one single shred of evidence of alien contact that stands up under scrutiny.  Anyone who claims to know the government has identified 57 species as if it were a known fact is psychotic.  A person can even kind of make the claim that the government is hiding evidence of alien contact, if they're ignorant to the science behind the 'evidence' used to support these conspiracy theories.  But to claim to know specific details like '57 types' is delusional, or extremely naive to take someone else's claim of this without analyzing it.  If the government is hiding details so well that no major news source is able to catch on to any piece of credible evidence to back the idea of even the *existence* of extraterrestrial life, then it is simply impossible for someone to be able to pick out enough details that they can make a specific claim like '57 types.'

    You know what the red alert is to tell you that you should examine these sightings very critically?  Because they all describe aliens that look like us.  Look at how different life forms on earth appear.  How different does a human look from a lobster from an orange?  And we all come from a common ancestor and share common DNA!  Imagine a life form that evolved on a completely different planet!  Read some HP Lovecraft if you want a more realistic idea of how an alien scenario might play out.

    I don't care how many people have reported sightings, or how many of them were 'government officials.'  Eyewitness testimony alone is p**s poor evidence.  I'm sure you know little about how the brain functions so it won't do any good to explain it to you in technical terms, so I'll use a simple example which provides undeniable proof in the poor quality of eyewitness testimony.  Here goes:  Thousands if not millions of people in the western world claim to know Jesus is god and have seen him.  Thousands if not millions of people in the eastern world claim to know Krishna is god and they have seen him.  Thousands of people in ancient times claim to know that Zeus is god and they have seen him.  Now, it may be possible that one of them is right, but it's completely impossible that all of them can be right, because all three religions are mutually exclusive.  How can Jesus be god if Krishna or Zeus is god?  I don't care if you believe in god or which one you believe in, the point is that obviously there are millions of people who claim to have seen these things, and they are plainly and clearly wrong.

    The only thing eyewitness testimony is good for is it gives us a hint that we should study whether or not a witnessed phenomena exists.  It is still entirely possible to conclude it doesn't exist in spite of all the eyewitness testimony in the world.

    This guy is nuts, and so are you if you take him seriously.

  4. Yes, I knew that, but I would hardly call him an expert. Peckman is a strange bird to begin with -- in 2003 he campaigned for an initiative to reduce Denver's collective stress levels by using group meditation and the playing of sitar music in public buildings! I don't know about you, but listening to more than a few minutes of sitar music would increase my stress levels.

    Peckman is promoting this video which was actually made by Stan Romanek, and Romanek seems to have had an absolutely amazing amount of contact with ETs (see his web page). For some reason, ETs are attracted to Stan. Anyhow, this video seems to be the silliest excuse for evidence that I've seen. There isn't any reason to think it's not an ordinary puppet. It's a little comical how it appears, peeking over the window sill. Pretty goofy.

    A video is linked below as well as a Popular Mechanic article. Also see the Youtube video of how easy it is to spoof this.

  5. David Letterman's been picked up by a UFO? WTF?

  6. No I didn't know and didn't see it.Here's some info on Mr Peckman.

  7. I did watch it so I am actually qualified to comment on the show. Mr. Peckman does not call himself an expert on UFOs but is someone that is interested in UFOs and Aliens and alternative energy development (as the whole country now wishes people had paid more attention to as they fill up their cars).

    The actual video has been sold and is not available for viewing so if it is on You Tube (that paragon of media truth) it is either a spoof or an illegal copy that the owners have no control over what and how it was edited. Therefore, any You Tube video is not sufficient evidence to even examine the claim much less draw a conclusion.

    Any claimed evidence must be examined by itself as well as in context. Mr. Peckman clearly stated that the video was not great evidence by itself but simply one piece of evidence among many other experiences of the individual that he was representing  who documented his experiences in great detail.

    Should these particular claims prove to be untrue it will not have any effect on any other evidence or claims by others that would also need to examined on a case by case basis.

    Mr. Peckman mentioned the Disclosure Project and for those who do not know what that is I have included a link below.


  8. Peckman is a cuckoo bird.  I think his idea of what evidence is clearly shows how disconnected with reality he really is:

    Do you see the alien?

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