
Did you know there is a possibility of future Cities to be totally planned built and peopled by women?

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Is this in any way a bad thing?

If so why?

Officials in Geneva have spoken about future plans for Cities to be totally planned built and peopled by women with no involvement from men what so ever.

“The idea of the gender Cities could be the blue print for the future, and is to allow women to produce all raw materials, food, power, science and medical progress of their needs, selling any surplus to males who would be removed at birth and have their own city, ” said an official

A current Small example is that Officials in China are raising capital to build the world's first "women's only" town, though about Tourism, I’m using it as an example for future developments and possibilities

I think this is a great idea, if all of the details are worked out! Give women a fabulous opportunity to show what they can achieve!!

What are your thoughts on this?

Would it please or displease THE NEW WOMAN?




  1. What a ridiculous concept. If you follow that thought path, we should just have different schools and restaurants for blacks, chinese and jews. Oh wait, that was already done. It worked out really well too hey. How about we stop thinking in divisive terms, and start looking at how we can eliminate the gender differences which could spark some idiot to think up this idea in the first place. How about equal wages for men and women, to start?

    Ps, have you ever thought something posted on the internet, might not be true *gasp*.

  2. Women already know what we can achieve.  During WWII, for example, without men locking women out, women essentially ran the nation and their home-front communities extremely well without so much "Good O' Boy" political corruption, most of commerce, industry and kept the factories pumping at record highs.  After the war, for example, so many Russian men had been killed that women had to quickly enter and became dominate in numbers in all the sciences and academic posts.  Historians and sociologists attribute the emergence of the U.S. into economic superpower status after WWII to women's excellent, efficient, productive, less corrupt management of the nation during the war when men were not in place to lock women out.

    That tourist city in China sounds like the movie, "West World".  I have had sexual fantasies about Yul Brenner's robotic character ever since I saw that film. : )  I would hope the world will see more of these Disneyland type attractions.  I suspect, though, that men are going to have more fun at the tourist city in China than will women because men are more into that Master / Slave level of social consciousness than women are and Master / Slave societies are considered to be failures by most women.  Feminists especially strive for societies in which NO ONE kneels before anyone else.  That's like a sexual turn-on for some men, AND women, though, reversing those M/S roles.  It will also psychologically, through role playing, help some men get over their neurotic fears of women turning the tables and dominating men as men have dominated women.

  3. I am NEVER going there. so there. lol

  4. ah ok hehehe good to see you put this back up man.

    now as i said the first time heheheh.

    this is old news to me, i have read all i can find on the women's town plans in the Provence there and it is a tourism attraction for the most part to the fetish of women dominating men. I my self am not into that so i would not visit there but a lot of folks would be. far as it being a blue print for future plans to segregate whole cities well that could wind up becoming a reality from this. will it be a good thing well maybe and maybe not depends if they can deal with the fact that not every one is going to be into this. I for one do not want to be dominated by women any more then they want to be dominated by men. but, it is a interesting idea.

    also let me add here that this is in-fact going to come to be some were around 2010 to 2012 and we will get to see just how it goes. and also on a side note, the officials there for the women's town have rejected feminist agenda because they very strongly put it that this is not about that, it is about attracting women mainly and men , boy friends and spouses to the life roles of men being ruled by women...... it is to suit a fetish as i said before.

    also every part of the athorities of the town and its officals will be women only and that also includes the police force. i have seen photos of the women training for the this force. it will be interesting to see if this will actually work or if it will go out of controle.

    well king about the idea in and of it's self. no i dont like it because it seperates the genders even more and what good can come from that. We are all on this big old ball of rock they call earth together and we are met to live together. seperating us from men to women and having segregated towns is doing nothing to aid in us learning to life and love but it just allows for hate to dig it's self in even deeper do to seperation. thats how i fill about it.

  5. I think that's a horrible idea.  It certainly doesn't say anything for equality.  How is that bringing people to being equal if it casts out men?  It's not.  It's just bringing more division between the sexes, and I don't like it.  Equal is equal, not getting a one up on someone.

  6. In theory it seems to be a good enough idea, your proposal. Where women could show there ingenuity and fortitude, but it is not likely that by the time it was built that the original ideas would come to fruition. Politics would likely take over the project and s***w it up somehow.

    The article mentions the women would be domineering and subjecting the men to punishments that were previously doled out to the women. In this respect, I do not agree with this city at all.

    We need to evolve, not devolve.


  7. Can YOU read? This is obviously more of a tourist gimmick than anything else (and probably a fetish thing). And in such a patriarchal culture as China, the purpose is to create an oddity, not a "real" society.

    Read more closely.

  8. Read the whole article.

  9. yeah heard about it but apparently they had to abandon the idea because when asked to make their own way there and given a map and a compass all the women after 7 hours going round and round in circles all gave up and decided to paint their pretty little toenails instead!!! he he he.

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