
Did you know these things about Universal Health?

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The study by the government that shows 45.8 million uninsured also shows the following:

21% are not Citizens

28% make more than $56,550 a year (family of four)

48% of the uninsured, that are offered insurance at work, decline even though they believe they can afford it?

54% don't work full time

26% don't work at all

All those who are disabled, pregnant, parents, or elderly that live in poverty have free insurance available to them.

The vast majority of the uninsured fall into one of these categories: Non-American, healthy single adult who won't work full time, those that can afford insurance but choose not to.

I believe we should provide any and all medical care for all children regardless of the reason they are uninsured. I also believe that Universal Health care for adults is using a poorly made sledge hammer on a tiny nail. It is failure worldwide. It will result in less health care for the dollar and massive taxes. There are many sensible ways we can bring down the cost of health care, and insure the working poor, without the mammoth socialist proposals by Obama.




  1. As a small business owner I'm telling you that national medicine will be the greatest thing since sliced bread. I'll no longer have to pay employee health insurance or that back breaking Workman's Compensation insurance.

    I figure with the money I'll save I'll pass some of it on to my best employees.

  2. wow!!

    i always thought that the people who suffered the brunt of this insurance crisis were the middle class working citizens who could'nt afford to pay 2000 a month for insurance

    silly me

    EDIT: ok, even 650 a month is extremely hard to afford, you know full well that times are tough ecomonically, and landing a good paying full time job is hard- real hardespecially since almost everything that can be outsourced is slowly being outsourced

    some people just cannot afford an extra 650 a month

  3. Yeah right.  Define "can afford insurance".  Does that mean people CAN pay 60% of their income for health coverage but CHOOSE not to?

    Here's a tidbit from your link you opted to omit:

    "That the uninsured are concentrated among lower-income individuals is not surprising, given that low-income individuals are less likely to:

        * be working, and if they do work they are less likely to be working full time,

        * receive an offer of insurance, and

        * be able to afford an offer of coverage. "

  4. This really is NOT a "lib"  vs "con"


    Its about what we intend to do with our collective resources.

    Health care that has been mandated by LAW to be for everyone has the unfortunate feature of being a drain on resources.

    Anything that is "FREE" will get used a LOT more than if people have to pay for it.  (this also applies  to the health care provided to ILLEGAL ALIENS!)

    The health care industry just can't afford it, what we  need is an overhaul of the "CAPITALISTIC" model of  society.

    The CHINESE traded in  Socialism for Capitalism and with huge costs in human misery.

    There needs to be a healthy discipline ... Health care can NOT continue to provide for ILLEGAL ALIENS and such.

    Good fences make for good neighbors!

    We can NOT afford to provide "unlimited care" to people who may be hypochondriacs or some such.  The system will end up rationing services and it will be a mess any way you figure it!

  5. while many truly cant get it THANK YOU..... if getting health care is that big of a deal cut off the cell phone switch off the cable and take care of your family.  many "poor" in america have tv internet cell phones cars etc.  i know they are pretty basic amenities in our society but if health is your priority go get covered or shut up   the oxyclean guy will get you covered for less than cell phone and cable  

  6. Yes, I knew all of this because I had to investigate.  We are a family of 6 with an income of $2538 a month and the state says we are not eligible for assistance.  My husband is fully disabled from a chronic abdominal adhesion condition and i have been out of work for 1 1/2 years due to a broken back and 2 corrective surgeries.  Thank god my former employer offered me long term disability from a private insurance company or we would only bring home $824 a month.  Every time we apply for assistance, we get denied for some reason.  One time we were told by social security that it was too much paperwork and to leave things alone.  Bet your butt we have a lawyer working on this.  I was just cleared to return to work, finding it difficult because I am unable to do the work i used to do.  Applied to Walmart.  I just want the benefits more than anything.  It is people who take advantage of the system that make it so difficult for us in time of need!  The Government workers and State workers are absolutely rude and lazy.  Haven't met a nice case worker yet!

  7. Corporations are able to buy politicians through our campaign finance system and control the media to convince people that corporate health care is democratic, represents freedom, and is the most efficient system for delivering health care.

    The United States is the only industrialized country in the world in which health care is not a right of citizenship. As a result the United States has the worst health care statistics in the industrialized world. We rank 18th in longevity, 16th in infant mortality, and around 67th in immunizations. All because our citizens can’t access health care due to money.

    Guess what? It’s cheaper to finance a public health care system through taxes than it is to administer it privately. The United States spends much more per capita on health care than any country with a publicly financed health insurance plan. The 1992 report of the State Health Care Access Commission showed that a publicly financed and publicly administered system would have saved Connecticut 2 billion dollars in 1999, even though it would cover the entire population, do away with managed care, give free choice of any licensed provider, cover all necessary medical care, medications, dental care, and the medical costs of long term care--all without co-pays. How? By doing away with administrative waste, and purchasing medications in bulk. This same conclusion was reached by the recently reported study of the Massachusetts Medical Society, the AMA of Massachusetts. They concluded that a public health insurance plan for Massachusetts would save Massachusetts 1.7 to 2.7 billion dollars a year despite increag benefits and extending them to everyone in the state.

  8. You missed the most important point that virtually every supporter of socialist health care forgets.

    That is that healthcare has to be paid for out of all our pockets.  Everyone who supports this boondoggle assumes they will beggar their neighbors for the cost of their care without considering that everyone else expects the same.

  9. FACT - the USA spends more money on healthcare than any other nation on the planet.

    FACT - the USA has one of the worst death rates for kids aged under five in the western world.

    Do dead American kids make you proud?  

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