
Did you know this about monkeys? Its horrible!?

by  |  earlier

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I know, not a question, but I just read an email and this is what it said:

"In 2008, studies continued at the animal testing facilities that,in hope of FINDING SOME WAY FOR PREGNANT WOMAN TO BE ABLE TO SMOKE, the monkeys undergo opperations, installing nicotine pumps into nursing mothers. Then after birth, or even in the fetus stage, the monkeys are taken out and their lungs dissected."

How horrible is that! I think that no pregnant woman should ever smoke, but to have scientists working on a way to make that possible while killing baby monkeys is completely obsurd, inhumane, and cruel.




  1. Ummm, you got this sent to you by a chain email correct? That should be proof enough right there that it is completely untrue.

  2. that is terrible! You should find out WHERE they are doing that and write to them to stop!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Just another reason why humans should be wiped off the face of the planet. We are NOT the most important species. Why do all the idiots seem to think all the other animals put on this earth are beneath us? We are beneath them! Sick b*****d scientists! They should be conducting the experiments on other humans.

  4. i hate animal testing

  5. horrible if it's true check it out on

  6. I agree with you!!

    I red your msg and I was hocked.this is so cruel to do that...

    I just dont understand why scientist can disrespect those who were here before us.  I can understand for some test that are important (like maybe a cure for cancer ). But we ALREADY know that smoking is dangerous, so why hurting and killing animals for nothing?

  7. it is horible that they do that,but theres much worse,google animal testing.theres this one place where the put beagles in these metal head strapes  so they cant move and are only alowwed to breath through a cigerett.and they do tons of testings about male or females getting cancer,and tons of stupid stuff.i honestly think if people are the ones who want to smkae,then testing should be done on them not inisant animals who dont smoke(on their own)

  8. i have never heard anything like this before, and its obvious that pregant women shouldn's smoke, but i cannot believe that people would but animals through that kind of torture,

    this is horrible and someone has to do something about it.

  9. I wouldn't put it past us.

    I'm so glad scientists are spending their time conducting this EXTREMELY important research. >:[ I'm sure there aren't any more important things they could be researching.

  10. That's horrible!

    We shouldn't even be ALLOWED to smoke at all!


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