
Did you know this about nicaragua?

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On March 29, an American couple in Grenada were robbed at gunpoint in their rental home. A few days prior to the incident the couple had notified the management of a missing light fixture in the unit. At approximately 11:30 a.m. on the day of the burglary, a Nicaraguan male in his late 20s (suspect) appeared at the front gate of the property stating that he was there to replace the light. The victim escorted the individual inside, where they inspected the fixture. The victim then began to escort the suspect outside to retrieve his tools. As they neared the front door, the suspect stopped and displayed what the victim described as a .25 caliber or similar type automatic pistol and demanded money. The suspect took the victim’s wallet, extracted all of the currency and then, at the request of the victim, returned the wallet containing the victim’s identification. The suspect then departed the area on foot.




  1. crime or no crime El Salvador and Guatemala are still better in everyway than Nicaragua. You may not hear so much of it in Nicaragua because all those peasants move to El Salvador and Costa Rica for jobs and those two countries that they reside in are the victims of crimes done by those peasants that shouldnt be there in the first place. Nicaragua is the poorest thing so i am not surprised with those reports you have to go there to know that there is such a crime wave in that country. Nicaragua has the biggest poverty and prostitution problem in all central america.

    At present, 53% of the Nicaraguan population consists of children below the age of 18. Of those 2.7 million children, approximately 676,000 of them live far below the poverty line. More than 60% of school age children cannot attend school because they are working to survive, the majority in prostitution and crime. 40-50% of prostitutes in Nicaragua are between the ages of 10 and 18 years old. 52% of crimes committed statistically in Nicaragua are by children below the age of 18.

  2. Crime in central America ? shocking I say just shocking!

  3. I have no doubt that these are true stories but you have forgotten about the rape and murder of Lemon Groves in Granada, the murder of another US citizen in Estelli (both this year), numerous muggings and assaults in both Granada and San Juan Del Sur and the regular break and enters against tourists across Nicaragua.

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