
Did you know this about the Muslims?

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Did you know that in their religion, it is required for them to fast for 30 days so that they can understand what it's like to be poor and have no food to eat. They are also required in their religion to give a portion of their earnings to a charity.

Did you know this? What do you think of this?




  1. Did you know that Santa Clause lives on the north pole?

    ...and he doesn't look like he's fasting

  2. Yes. I am muslim and the fasting started today.

    But one thing you got wrong is that we dont do it to know how it feels, its if you fast one day god will give you an extra day to live.

    Ex: 20 days of fasting= 20 days of living longer.

  3. Yes.Ramadan is a time to fast for the sake of God & to offer even more prayer than usual.Also involved in Ramadan are asking forgiveness for the sins of the past,asking for guidance in the future,asking for help with refraining from every day evils,trying to purify oneself through self-restraint & good deeds.

    Fasting is meant to teach the person patience & humility.

  4. I knew the first part, didn't know the second. I never thought badly of them in the first place, but now I respect them even more.

  5. I think its good

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