
Did you know this?

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Did you know that if someone got into the car with you with a knife or gun to your head, Don't drive off, run into anything you can to wreck the car, your airbag will save you? If the man is in the backseat...he will get the worst of it.....?




  1. great advice...unless your car as a passenger side airbag that you can't turn off...then you end up saving his life too

  2. This is a tactic I've thought about.  Never had to put it to the test thank God.

  3. ne er thought about that but its a good one as wll Ill rember that.. thank you

  4. Then the guy can sue you for all his injuries he sustained in the accident.

    You could loose your house too!

  5. You are giving very good TIP.Thanks.

  6. Good advice!

  7. NOBODY gets into MY car without my permission. The only time my doors are unlocked is when I get in or out.

  8. And I will remember this as well and thank you......
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