
Did you know those who feared a bad economy has moved up from 43% to 75% in just 12 months?

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Associated Press via CNN and Fox




  1. That's probably because for the past 12 months the media has beeen pounding us with stories about how were in a recession when we are not actually in a recession. Peopl'es behavior and spending is affected by these stories and if you run false doom and gloom stories all day long people will start saving instead of spending.  

  2. Democratic Congress + Liberal Media = Doom + Gloom

  3. No, but thanks for the info.

  4. I'm still trying to figure out what is wrong with people saving instead of spending? Isn't that called personal responsibility, haven't we been preaching that to Americans for the last two decades?

    An economy that bases itself of off people spending more and more of their hard earned money is doomed to fail. If the wages don't keep up with the price of goods the market will respond naturally. That is also something we have been preaching forever, let the market figure things out, well looks like the market is doing just that.

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