
Did you know why table tennis bats have two different coloured sides ?

by  |  earlier

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it's because one side has antispin and the otheside has a stablising effect but do not ask me which is what all I know one side is red whilst the other is black. A clever player will use his bat accordingly when he has gauged his opponents skill.




  1. I never knew that LOL!

    You learn something new every day

  2. Spin and slice,for backhand and forehand.It's very difficult as you have to very quickly change your grip all the time also as you change sides.l can't cope with it so enjoy playing 99% of shots from the backhand only and so have both sides the same.

    l play a lot of TT and Tennis and badminton,but never get as exhausted as l do playing TT,the speed and concentration is very tiring and you need exceptional fitness.Tennis is a doodle compared to the rigours of the tiny table.My fav game though

  3. One side is specially for spin and the other for speed slight different material.

  4. No.The person who asked the question,answered the question.One side is created for a spin advantage and the other is usually created for hitting with more power.

  5. What was the point of asking the question then giving us the answer aswell, I thought the whole idea of this was to ask questions and WAIT for the answer, not give it at the same time!

  6. yeah its something to do with using the black size to antispin so that your hit does not go in the wrong direction even f you hit it right on target

  7. I thought that on person holds their bat on the red side and the other on the black side like 2 different teams??  

  8. Each side can have a different surface, for example one side might give more spin to the ball than the other.

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