
Did you know you can't buy RAW almonds in the US anymore?

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This law was passed in September 2007. No longer can you buy raw almonds in the store, (even though they might be labled so).

All almonds are now irradiated, "nuclear radiated". They are all driven into a huge vults and put in a process that destroys all of the nutrients, enzymes, and life force inside them, now making them worthless "dead foods". If a person was put inside the vult, he would die instantly.

Don't be fooled by the label thats stamped across those almonds you bought last week, with the letters "RAW".

It is now as illegal to sell truly RAW almonds, as it is to do drugs in the US. This law was passed under hardly any public awarness what so ever, and they still trying hide it from the public as much as they can. Yes, even committing fraud by it.

Where did the freedom to choose go?

Help stop this non sense and make your voice heard before the FDA does this to all our raw foods...almonds were just the beginning

More info here




  1. what about canada??

  2. Nuclear radiated?!

    Sounds a little "nutty" to me.

    It is a form of pasterization to protect humans from all the pesticides used on them on commercial farms.

    You can still buy them directly from a grower wholesale.

  3. ive never heard of anyone dying from a raw almond over dose

  4. Just so you know, there's no such thing as "nuclear radiated" - that's a meaningless phrase to use.

    Radioactive decays comes in 3 types: alpha, beta and gamma. The type of radiation that they use for "sterilising" food (no I'm not defending the process) is gamma radiation - ie. X-Rays (just like the doctor will give you if you break your arm)

    Gamma radiation is a frequency of electro-magnetic radiation - the same stuff that we see as light! and use everywhere such as in in mobile phones, broadcast radio&tv, laser pointers and microwave ovens.

    Please keep in mind our almonds will be purged of any organic life not by radioactive guck but an electronic emitter (think like a microwave oven).

    Again, I should point out that I don't want to defend the practice or even contrast it to pesticides (though it is chemical free) just let you better know your "enemy".

  5. Have you ever watched a person die from raw Almonds? It's not pretty. You can get the same nutrients fromthousands of other foods. Get a grip!

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