
Did you know you can no longer purchase a lighter at the cig counter of your local supermarket?

by  |  earlier

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But you can buy matches. Found this out last night at Sainsburys.




  1. Thank you Deb, for letting us know. Nothing surprises me in this world now. Take care, (HUGS)

  2. Hi, I work in a supermarket,  and we still sell lighters. I also know that challenge 25 comes into force in the next few weeks, if you dont look 25 you will be asked to prove how old you are, with proof of ID.

  3. we can ... !!!!

    maybe they trying to tell you to quit

  4. Things have changed so much. I remember when my 10 year old brother would be able to buy my mothers cigarette's at a candy store.


  6. Didn't know that but I quit smoking last June though I still carry one. Bit like a contraceptive, better to have one and not need it than need it and not have one.

  7. i still can

  8. I bought one at Morrisons this week.

  9. I can still purchase out lighters at my supermarket..

    Maybe it's just in your town?

    Also - are you underage? =/

  10. o wow

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