
Did you laugh your.a$ off when Brandt Snedeker cried like a little school girl?

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That was funnier than h**l!!!!!!!




  1. Yes he cried ... that was sorta cool  i thought  BUT what impressed the carp outta me was how he hung in there with such amazing poise and smiled  when he missed putts by an inch when normal people would have pounded the ground with their clubs ... he hits a ball into the water and watches his chances and his pay go down by hundreds of thousands  and keeps a smile of what seemed like gratefulness or thank fullness for even being in a final pairing at  the masters ...I was IMPRESSED   !!!

  2. No, I actually felt sorry for him.  The Masters is #1 on the list for ALL golfers, and getting so close then having a bad final round would be absolutely devastating.  

    If laughing at someone elses mis-fortunes makes you feel better about yourself, then by all means, go ahead.  Otherwise, show some class yourself and appreciate a job well done.  Theres nothing wrong with a little emotion in sports now and then.

  3. Nope not at all, its cool to see the emotion, you can tell they really care and really want to win.  Asking a question like that makes me know 2 things 1. You have no idea what intense competition feels like, and 2. You probably cannot break 120 on any course in the nation and are a pitiful athlete.

  4. your an idiot

  5. if u r good enough to play in the Masters then u can cry if u want 2

  6. Don't hate on Brandt just because you have no dreams to strive for.

    Keep cooking corndogs and pumping my gas.

  7. No, but thanks for the 2 points Betty Ballicker.

  8. Sorry, but I don't agree with you.  I hate to see anyone cry, because then I know that he is crying because something means a lot to him.

  9. You are an insensitive person. Brandt was a model of a good sportsman through the Masters, if is understandable that his emotions overcame him, he could not get over the fact that he played in the Masters with his idol, Tiger Woods. Good on you, Brandt.

  10. i didnt see him cry... brandt is the man i dont know what youre talking about

  11. Not funny. Working hard for all his life to get into The Masters, and having a chance to win but he shot 77 on the last day... I could understand extreme disappointment there.

  12. Your a real a$$.

  13. nope.  :)

  14. I didn't see him crying and thought I watched just about the whole Sunday broadcast.  Must have missed it.  I could understand being overcome with emotion and letting a few tears go if you win a big event like that, but I hate it when I see professionals crying after a loss, or even the collegiate players with the towel over their head on the bench etc.

  15. All that matters is that Tiger CHOKKED

  16. LOL  

    When they showed that on the news, my husband and I just looked at one another and we both burst out laughing!

    He's a golfer, what do you expect?  Most of them are spoiled little rich brats who pitch a hissy fit when they don't get their way.

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