
Did you like New Moon???? Just wondering....?

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I didn't like New Moon (the sequal to Twilight).... I liked the other three books though. Did you like it?




  1. not really

    but it was still good

    not enough edward...

  2. It wouldn't say it was my favorite, there was too little of Edward and too much frusteration! But if you think about it, it was essential to the storyline. Without New Moon, the other books wouldn't have been as great as they were, the series wouldn't have had all the twists and turns that it did.

    However, not having Edward in it for most of the book just made it that much better by finally seeing him in the end; the only thing Edward did by leaving was strengthen the love Bella had for him. Love it!


  3. I didn't like the part without Edward, or Alice. I got frustrated with all the things that kept going wrong with Bella and Jacob, and I wish Meyer and spent more time on the good part of their friendship, showing why they felt this huge loyalty towards each other, instead of all the time she spent on it all going wrong. I didn't like it that much, but it's essential to the series.

  4. I Loved New Moon (well, not loved, because I don't really like any of the books...) there was no Edward!

  5. out of all the 4 books, id have to say New Moon was my favourite.

    When Edward left, i actually cried as if I were Bella... thats when I started to warm up to Jacob :) .. for some reason I really liked them together..

    I even cried in eclipse, when bella and jacob were kissing and she was picturing like a future together ...

    but yeah, i loved new moon

  6. i loved it although it was my least favorite because i missed edward lol

  7. i did.

    it gave me a whole lot more insight to jacob.

    it wasn't as good as the other three though.

    eclipse and twilight are my favourites

  8. Hated it the first time I read it, and threw the book across the room. Second time I read it, I loved it, but I cried when Edward left, despite the questionable writing and negative attitude torward feminism (aka, Bella is a doormat). I suggest reading it more than once. New Moon is now my third favorite of the series.

  9. It was my least favorite, but that's probably just me being biased cause I don't like Jacob.

    it was just different without Edward. And it kind of annoyed me how Bella clung on to Edward, and she so depressed and a zombie. Everytime I go to a bookstore, all the books are sold out except for New Moon, which has like six copies left.

    So no, I didn't like it.

  10. I LOVED NEW MOON. even though i cried because edward left it was a great book. i got to meet jacob who was barely in twilight and he turned out to be great. it's a bit darker then the others except for breaking dawn. but it was fun we got the chance to see life with out edward- which is pretty sad.

    but my favorite part is the end, new moon makes the relationship between bella and edward better stronger and his return is amazing.

  11. i lied it, but it was my least favorite... i like jacob, like im team switzerland. but i hated the way edward just left without an explanation. but my favorite quotes is from that book... "death that hath sucked the honey of thy breath hath no power yet upon thy beauty" so romantic! but it was my least favorite for sure.

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