
Did you like Stitch's Great Escape?

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I went on Stitch's Great Escape at Disney World and thought that it was very boring and not really fun at all. I am a huge Disney fan and love almost everything that Disney has done but this did not do anything for me. What do you think? Also, people have told me that there use to be some alien ride there and it was really freaky but I have no clue what it was like. Can someone tell me?




  1. Stitch's Great Escape was really boring and yucky too (for me) because it threw the water at me and it soaked my tee and it went into my mouth... ewww, i know

  2. Not really.  They just wanted to put the space to good use.  They had to close Alien Encounter because it was WAY too scarey for a Disney park.

  3. yes there was an alien ride there before insanly scary i went when i was 10 and it scared me to death but the new ride took out the fun and the scaryness so do something to get the alian ride back it was 100x better than stich and 200x scarrier

  4. Hello,

    I thought it was really boring and no fun too! In fact I hated it, and wouldn't recommend it to anyone! I am a HUGE disney fan too and I think it's one of their worst and most unimaginative rides ever!

    There did used to be an alien ride there, but it was the basically the same as this one but had a different alien in it.

  5. ExtraTERRORestrial Alien Encounter was pretty cool, I've never been to the Stitch one, but it doesn't sound nearly as fun.

    Below is a video of the Alien Encounter.

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