
Did you like being 14 years old?

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What did you think about that age and what was good or bad about it?




  1. the only thing i didnt like was having to get the tetnus shot

  2. When I was 14, I was going through a rough time. I was miserable, now I'm fine, and you should be fine too. :)

  3. It sucked...and you soon learn that nothing that mattered when you were 14 will matters when you are an don't rely too much on being 14...your friends now won't be your friends in ten years, you will forget about everything that bothered you...and you will grow up to be an awesome adult....and I hate to break it to all you little girls, the Jonas brothers won't be around in a few yers live it up while you can..

  4. not really. 14 was an awkward age for me as my cousin died and i move schools and houses...i was transferred 180 miles away from my friends....

    other that that i'm sure it was just as fun as any other age i've been so far..

  5. Ummm i just turned 14 not to long ago and nothings really changed its basically the same as any other age. ur voice might start to change a bit but other then that its all good.

  6. 14 years? to be honest, that time went by soo fast. It was really good because its the perfect age. I mean your not big or small. Its just perfect and everything is perfect. When you get older, you have more responsiblities etc.  

  7. Um, I am fourteen. I like it and dont like it. It is a fun age but your body is changing and acne and like peer pressure and all that bad stuff!

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