
Did you lose your appetite around 8 months?

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hello. just wondering if anyone had for no apparent reason lost their pregnancy appetite around 32 weeks. i mean i am still eating just way less, i feel alot less hungry. for my whole pregnancy i have had major hunger pains, lol, i would have to eat every three hours or so, or i would get sick and lately i feel like i am wayyyyy less hungry. anyone else have this happen, or know why? by the way, my pregnancy is going very very healthy and well. thanks much. blessings




  1. Well, for one..I don't know if it is warm where you live, but it is hot here...being pregnant and it being so hot outside...CAN take away some of your appetite...Also, I noticed as I got closer to my time..that my appetite did decrease..and I'm not sure actually didn't just went back to normal. LOL. I guess all the hormones and stuff have leveled out by this time as well..and that could be the reason..

  2. There's no room for any food when you are that far along! lol.

    This happened to me too. I don't know why really.

  3. Ask your doctor

  4. I lost my appetite the last three months of my pregnancy. I start eatting less foods. When I went for my check up I had lost two pounds. My doctor told me if I loose anymore weight He would put me in the hospital. Because when you loose weight the bady is loosing weight also.

  5. Yeah my sister and cousin are both 9 months now, my cousin due this next Tuesday and they both have lost their appetite. I think it just depends on the woman. As long as your pregnancy has been healthy and still is then you are fine.

  6. I did with this pregnancy. I think what it is, is that the baby is getting bigger, and not leaving much room for your stomache to expand when you eat, so you get full faster and aren't hungry as often. Enjoy it, I do, this way I'm not gaing too much weight. Good luck:)

  7. well your tummy is squished so less room in there to feel hungry. I went through that, plus every time I ate, I got horrible heartburn.

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