
Did you love the way Micheal talked to Adam (Y&R)?

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in that one little exchange of words he went from ugly to handsome to me




  1. The funny part was when Adam tried to threaten Michael as he got into the elevator.  Man o Man if Adam only knew 1/2 of what Michael & his family have done in the past he would have peed his pants.   Go Mikey!

  2. God I loved it. I can't stand the way Adam is acting! Victor is going to be so mad with him when he finds out that he fired Neil.

    P.S. Michael isn't ugly!

  3. I loved it.....this is all going to blow up in Adam's face and I can't wait!

  4. I love the way Micheal, Neil, and Karen talked to him....They should have ganged up on him and jumped his rotten tail...

  5. OMFG YESSSS finaly someone told that creep off(besides vicky) good he gets on my never sometime but did u like when karen totaly told him off i was like yea karen u go grl!!!! if only mikey could have punched him like he punched jeffery

  6. I loved every second.Any little thing that i had started to change about  my opinion of Adam( I despizzzzzed him from the get-go.) Can you believe I actually thought he was changing his ignorant ways? He is lower than anyone on that show,including,Chloe.I can't stand her.I can't wait till Victor returns and puts his punk a@* in his place.

  7. I loved every second of it.  I heard that Eric Braedan is making a movie and will be off for 5 weeks.  Plenty of time for Adam to dig his own hole.  I'm so glad Michael is the executor of Victor's will because he'll tie it up as long as he can to prevent Adam the a$$ from taking full control.  Michael is so sneaky that way I love it!

  8. I loved the way Michael talked to Adam.  I would never have been able to fathom even "Adam" being as cold as he was today....It's as if he wants "Victor" to be dead just so he can take over the company...I can't understand how Adam can be this evil considering the way his mother was..She would roll over in her grave...She was such a good, sweet person...I believe he is more "ruthless" than "Victor"..

  9. ya i agree !!! Adam doesn't know Micheal and his evil ways !!!!! This  should be great !!!

  10. I completely agree with you.

    Michael could show Adam a trick or 2.

  11. I LOVED IT!!

    I don't know if I would agree he went from ugly to handsome, because he's not bad looking. But the way he went off, oh my!!

    I want him to do it again! LOL

  12. Yes I was so glad that Mike told that Adam off. And thanks dlb19595 for the info on Victor being in film for 5wks.  I never heard that bit of info, but it would be good when he comes back and kicks Adams behind

  13. Yes I did. I like Micheal, he is sneaky and underhanded and Adam does not stand a chance going up against him. Micheal will keep this tied up for as long as he can. Adam just showed everyone that all he thinks about is taking over the company and has could care less about Victor. Victor hasn't been "dead" for a day or two and Adam is already taking over. That just goes to show you what kind of person Adam really is. I just wished Micheal would have punched his lights out too lol.

  14. yes

  15. Yay, Michael. That sniveling Adam is so stuck on himself and getting the money and power! It will be good to see Victor cut him off at the knees for firing Neil. Adam is too big for his britches....and I hope Heather dumps him too...he could go kiss a mirror.

  16. Yeah, Michael is great...

  17. I loved it and I am going to love it when micheal tells him he never filed the new will and that nick and vicky have all controlling interest . I am going to love the look on that hayseeds (adam) face . watching his jaw drop . at last someone actually told him what he was to his face . Loved it .

  18. I think that everyone is over-recating.

    Adam is doing what Victor would. He is greaving on his on time, in his own way. Business is business. Victor did leave everything to Adam & Abby and Summer & Noah.

    Adam is the only one old enough to take over. He has every right to step in. They should all just grow up and accept it.

    BTW: They all know Victor is eventually coming back, so they should grin and bear Adam.

  19. Yes it brought a smile to my face and I do hope he never filed that new will. He is busy you know. LOL :~)

  20. Adam is such a brat on a power trip he deserves everything Michael is gives him.

  21. Yes, I really liked the Michael talked to Adam, I don't know why Michael or Neil did not lay hands on him.

  22. What are you talking about I love Michael anyway....LOL I was hoping he would sock the b*****d in the face quite a few times!

  23. It was fabulous , Michael really has great lines and he is a kick *** guy , he is my favorite actor of all the soap actors, one day he will go on to other career choices he is too outstanding to go unnoticed, I also liked Karen when she told Adam off that was also very satisfying

  24. What about Karen?  Didn't know the little girl had it in her.  

    where do you get off talking to him like that? You're a power hungry conniving insidious little punk - nothing but a laughable wannabe over compensating for having to stand in shoes you can't fill - what a disrespect to your father's name.

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