
Did you love you childhood or hate it?

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I loved my childhood sooo much and I miss being little and carefree!




  1. I loved it, bizarre family , but my friends ,school and hobbies were a blast.

    Especially junior high.

  2. Didn't care for it. watching your parents drink and beat each other and you, I was scared to death of them.

    That's why I want my Daughter to have a great childhood. I want her to be happy and carefree and NOT be scared of me for any reason. she can tell me anything and I will Love her no matter what. I want my daughter to have the childhood I never had. and I just Pray i am doing the right things for her to raise her right. must be doing something right in 2 days she will be 2 years old. God Bless

  3. There was very little to love about it. My teen years were the best.

  4. I didn't like it.  Hate might be too strong of a word, but generally I don't miss it at all.

    I can relate to Straight up above.  Heck, I'm 23 and they're still like that to a large extent.

  5. Loved you childhood? Young lady you have yet to emerge from infancy!!

    I hate the time spent here doing the work that needs doing!

    Well, Woe Is Me, as horrible a child as you must have been your parents did not abuse you. They tried to contain you. To bad they did not contain your lying self in cement overshoes!

    I have been on here since early morning, Mouth of Sauruon. You tell time no better than you lie.

  6. My parents ruined my child hood. My child hood is full of memories of  a helpless simple mother and abusive brother verbally abusive friends, people being shot ,robbed, watching other people in their downward spiral while battling my own. Trying not to use drugs when everybody i mean everybody uses them. Oh yeah I'm home schooled so a change of friends is out of the question. Im still in this struggle and my mother has helped me turn in too social outcast because she was one her self.  I was left alone my whole life so far I have alot more trouble saying hello than good bye. I hate my life, its nothing but suffering.

  7. It had its moments. But it was a long time ago. People grow up.

    Well, some of us anyway.

    Cheers :-)

  8. it was a phase and now its over and just memories which mean nothing to anyone else but me

  9. hated it.

    EDIT: before giving out thumbs down to people who didn't love their childhoods take into consideration there may be reasons.

  10. I think it's only natural for the majority of us to feel like we had bad childhoods. My best friend and i talk about this sort of thing all the time. We both had questionable childhoods but we  both turned out to be loving parents to our children an good wives.  Whenever i start to feel bad about the past she has a saying that makes me feel better "Live in the past, to protect your future." Your past makes  you who you are.

  11. hate it and im only 18

  12. My childhood was pretty good up until I became a teenager then it sucked but that's probably true for most people.

  13. well, I had rocks thrown at me, so it was so-so....

  14. It was OK.

  15. It was alright...but short, I grew up to quick.  Sometimes think that I'm about ten years older then my years show.

  16. I sort of hated mine.  

    My mother was very verbally abusive.

  17. I loved my childhood, but I disliked my teen years.  I was in a sucky place with no real supervision.  I got into alot of trouble that my parents never knew about and still don't know.  I hated my mother and she was emotionally and physically abusive.  Extention Cords are not meant to be used on children.  So I loved my childhood hated my teen years.

  18. i'm 15.....i'm going through a kinda unfair childhood not so much rough. my little bro is mummies boy...spoilt little brat... he's everything he wants and gets it when he wants.....theres a lot more to it than that but i don't feel like typing much today so i'll leave it at that!

    have a nice day = )

  19. A bit of both.  It was hard, but it made me who I am today and that is probably not so bad,

  20. I loved everything about my childhood.  It was such a carefree time in my life.  I sometimes wish I was still living in such a laid back world.

  21. ehhh.. it was alright.

    i dont remember much of it though.

  22. mine could have been better

  23. I pretty much hated my childhood. It has nothing but bad memories from what I remember. All I can say is that I was pretty much of a reject to civilization.

    It kills me to even think about it. Destroys my sense of humor.

  24. i hated mine cause my parents were too controlling and so strict! I mean I liked it when i was young and being shown the world. but i really hated it when i wanted to do my own thing and i was stopped most of the times

  25. It was nasty.


    jon your shift will end in 3/4 of an hour so don't you have any poops to scoop? Take a moment out from your self-aggrandizing, pretentious blow-hard BS; you've been at it all night and must be exhausted.

    I understand the behavior is common in your type

  26. When I was younger, I hated it. Thought my childhood sucked...

    As I got older, I began to realize it wasn't all that bad.

    Now that I have kids of my own, I see what my parents were doing. Turns out my childhood was pretty dam good.

  27. It was good. I'm not obsessed with it. I think about the present and the future more than I think about the past.

  28. It's a love/hate thing for me. I grew up with my Ma, my two sister and brother in a small house, in a very poor neighborhood with high crime. Got into a lot of fights because I was "too white" and because my Ma did her best to keep me off the streets. I had some cool guys I use to roll with but not too many good memories really. I however, did have a strong and supportive family who luckily came out pretty good in the end, despite the odds.

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