
Did you marry your rebound, and can this work?

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Could I get a well thought out response please. Thank you so much.




  1. rebounds are usually the exact opposite of the person you were with. Some rebounds do work, but not very many! You would have to be really lucky to find someone that is a perfect match. A rebound usually is the relationship that helps you get over your last one, but when you finally do get over the last one things about a person change so much that the rebound usually doesn't fit the need either. This does depend on how long you were apart from your last relationship though, months no way is it going to be a lasting thing. If you were single for a year, then yes a rebound (which wouldn't be one) will work! Why? because unhealthy people usually attract the same, UNHEALTHY.....

  2. Of course it can work!  Just be as dedicated to that person when things are calm as you were when you were rebounding!!

  3. My mom is the first to admit that my dad was a rebound when she and her ex husband split. They went on their first date the day after her divorce was final and they got married 3 months later. They are honestly the happiest couple I know and they just celebrated 30 years. Even my mom is quick to say that she was VERY VERY lucky that things worked out the way they did though.

  4. If you both truly love each other.....then sure it can work.

    Don't pay too much attention to labels.

    I met my husband when I was seeing someone he wasn't a rebound.

  5. my current husband, who i had previously dated, married the girl he dated after i broke up with him. i married the guy i dated after the break up. we both divorced in 2002, reunited in 2006, married each other this past may and couldn't be the answer is no...the rebound marriage doesn't work. at least in our case!

  6. I know it can work, my best friend just married her rebound in February, and they had been together for 3-4 years before then. They were both in serious relationships (she was living with her boyfriend of 4-5 years) and he was in a less serious relationship (but still they had been together over a year). Both broke up around the same time, started seeing each other not even a month afterward and together ever since. I thought for sure it was doomed, but I guess when its meant to be, it doesnt matter.

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