
Did you move freshman year in High school and what was it like? Also any tips for that situation?

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I might move to a new state and im starting high school. What should I do to make friends and how to find people to sit with at lunch on the first day?Also, please tell me your experience if this happened to you. Thanks





  2. I moved and started a new school when I was a freshman. The trick for me was to talk to new people just start a conversation like if you like the shirt character or whatever. People usually like compliments and it is a great ice breaker. Also just be yourself and be honest with people and you can't go wrong. I made alot of friends that first day and quite a few I am still friends with. Hope this helps and good luck!

  3. Very stressful, but in hindsight it wasn't anything to worry about. Keep your eyes and ears open, your mouth closed, smile a lot, and ask questions. It's much much easier to go to a new school from the first day, than to start in October after everyone knows everybody.

  4. that happend 2 me i hated the idea at first but once i started i meet sum cool people that helpt me out the best thing u can du is make friends with people that are in a higher grade than u im going into 12th now and ima try and help out sum freashman cuz it wuz kinda tough 4 me so i now how its like  

  5. don't sweat it. you'll be fine and you will find that you will have friends in no time. i've been the new girl 11 times in my life and each time i made friends quick. i hated moving to a new state and having to go to a new school. but i made the best of it and i met some really great people. during your classes talk to people and befriend them. and they just might ask you to sit with them at lunch. high school is awesome! enjoy every minute of it cuz it goes by fast. good luck! =)

  6. don't stress out. upper classmen can smell fear ahaha. just relax and be friendly. don't make enemies.

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