
Did you mutilate, threw away, or gave away your barbies because of peer pressure?

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I have read where females had because of the pressure of peers did those things with their barbies to only feel regret as they got older. My niece had gotten rid of some because of that recently. She now regrets doing it. It seemed like fun and a good idea at the time. However, the passing of some time had made her rethink her actions. Can you relate to this?




  1. My siblings and I mutilated all of our Barbies.  We pulled their limbs off, cut off their hair, colored their skin black with markers, and scraped their b***s off on the side walk.  It was hilarious and I don't regret it at all.  In fact I might go buy some Barbies to trash just to relive old memories.

    But don't get me wrong.  We still enjoyed playing with them before we destroyed them.

  2. i had my barbies for along time........... then my dogs would eat then, or my older brother and sister would make fun of me....... and my barbie stuff would be stolen form other girls i used to play with.......... i knew they stole then cause my mother made my barbie's clothes.

    and yes i miss my dolls. i'm 20 now and still like to look at the dolls in toy stores.... but now that i have a daugther so i'm gonna buy her some, when she is older ( new born )

  3. in 6ht grade my friend and i took all of our ninja turtles on the way to school and would put them in the road and watch them get ran over... does that count?

  4. i am 15 and still have my Barbies. If she feels bad about it, I would count it as a lesson learned and let or help her get a few new ones. I know it'll never replace her old ones, but it may help.

  5. I never had barbies but only morons cave to peer pressure.

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