
Did you notice differences between being pregnant with a boy & being pregnant with a girl?

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I'm also wondering if you had problems with breastfeeding, was it different with other babies? I had major difficulties with my son but really want to try again with this bub....(am 8 weeks pregnant with #2)




  1. The only difference I noticed was the way I carried.

    I was all out front with my son, you couldn't tell I was preg from behind.

    My daughter was all over the place.

    Breastfeeding was easy with both. My son weaned himself at 6 months, and I had to wean my daughter, she was on until 14 months.

  2. The only difference was that my son was a lot bigger then my girls which made me miserable for the last months of the pregnancy. I did not have breast feeding problems. The most important thing about breast feeding is making sure that the baby latches on properly. He must have both the nipple and a good part of the areola in his mouth. If it hurts your nipple when the baby sucks then he is not latched on correctly. Get a lactation consultant in the hospital to help you out. Good Luck

  3. The only difference is with my daughter i had HORRID morning sickness, with this one ( a boy) i never was even nauseated.

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