
Did you notice that Bushie boy equated left of center Americans with the Vietcong?

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In his speech last night, the draft dodging slimebag currently occupying the White House said that if McCain could stand up to the Hanoi Hilton, he can stand up to the "angry left." The whole convention floor of old slobs started cheering themselves purple. These GOPers have no respect for democracy and pluralism, and they are a disgrace to the constitution.




  1. Yes,it was pretty pathetic.

    I mean I know Democrats attacked McCain,but they attacked his record. They never questioned his service. In fact,they kept calling him an American hero over and over and over again.Almost as much as he touts it himself.

    I find it funny that Bush questioned Kerry when Kerry actually fought in Vietnam and got a purple heart while Bush is a draft dodger. I guess he's just jealous,and also angry that he couldn't amount to anything his father wanted him to be

  2. They had no respect when they permitted the RNC & the PNAC to swift boat both John McCain and John Kerry, while ordaining the AWOL 1st Lt. from the TANG that went AWOL when drug testing became part of the flight physical.

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