
Did you notice that Children who resent their parents grow up to be Atheists They still need Attention?

by  |  earlier

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Its really sad to be honest, but its true

They are still rebeling against their parents

that's why they can't accept Christ




  1. Did you notice that Children who resent Atheists grow up to be spew a bunch of bullshit as if its facts They still need Attention?

    Its really sad to be honest, but its true

    They are still rebelling against science and logic

    that's why they can't shut up

    Keep asking these stupid questions and I'm just going to keeping giving you stupid answers.

  2. I disagree. I resented my parents for being overprotective, thus wasting my teens until I was 19-20. During my teens I gave Christianity a try. I wanted to believe in him at the time, but now I realize deep down I didn't.

    Its not sad. I'm happy being Atheist.

    To each their own.

  3. What's sad is that you feel the need to spread this kind of propaganda.  

  4. I'll tell you what, I grew up in a home where my mother loved me and my father abused me, I went to a christian church till I was 15 years old, the reason I became and atheist was because the bible is full of mythological c**p. But it didn't stop there, I have been cursed at, belittled, and persecuted by quite a few members of the christian faith. I took it one step further and studied other religions, and do you know what I found? I found that the christians that you are so gung ho for are nothing more than a bunch of thieves, stealing from religions that they call savages and pagan devil worshipers. Did you know that your day of rest and prayer called sunday is actually pagan, break it down sun day, as in day of the sun. Sun day is the day that they worshiped the sun god Helios.

  5. i think you are full of sh*t.

    people who have horrible nasty parents who are abusers rebel. They realise that there are no such things as fairy tales - and an everlasting guy who they dont even know who loves them for absolutely  no reason.

    and yeah, everyone wants attention. we as people are social animals, so i dont understand the point you are trying to make.

    people who are dreamers believe in Christ. if he loves us all so d**n much, then why are children molested, people bashed and murdered etc etc?? oh yeah, it alL our fault somehow, or etc etc, ,keep the excuses coming - its all part of a 'plan' that we are too small to acknowledge. what a load

    people who have seen and lived life are atheists. people who are educated - are atheists - because all the rubbish they teach in church is becoming nonsense through science. God made the world in 8 days? where did the cyanobacteria come from a billion years ago then???

    what made you post this question anyway???

  6. That’s a lame argument.  The atheists I know (and for the record, I'm not one) are NOT atheists because they’re rebelling against their parents.  There may some I’m-rebelling-atheists, but I’d venture to say they are *very much* in the minority.

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