
Did you notice that?

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it is said that:

smart people discuss Ideas (theories/concepts).

regular people discuss things (objects).

dumb people discuss other people.

by applying this to the questions (religious questions) here on R section, you can see that very few are about theology or principles of Islam. while most of the questions are about persons, like: (was Mohammad this, was Abu-Bakr that, was Omar this etc...)

maybe i haven't been on this section for too long as many of you, but am i right?

because i see some really good questions asked by honest people that deserve good answers, and some really nasty question asked by people who only want to give themselves a reason not to believe.




  1. yup just i definately agree with ramadan kareem 100%

  2. Hmm, well I personally ask a mixture (but not so much about the 3rd category - check my profile if you wanna check!)

    and that makes me what? Smart? Regular? (whatever that is! I'll have a regular coke with the fries) or Dumb?


  4. As'salaamu Alaikum,

    Personally, some of the insulting questions - particularly the ones where they quote Quran or hadith, are quite enlightening.

    They showcase the struggle many have in private.

    People struggle with questions of faith every day and judging from the amount of hadith and ayat that are quoted, those that call themselves ex-muslims do quite a bit of reading themselves.

    They say out loud what many are afraid to ask.

    I thank Allah swt for our (ex?) brothers and sisters and pray for Allah swt to help them to overcome their doubts and open their hearts.

  5. a very thought provoking answer it was ,it could change one's life and destination (Jannah/Jahannum)

    a crucial difference, rememeber you deleted your question,out of arrogance...rememeber 17:46  says Quran Wahid,and 39:45 says Allah Wahid.

    you couldnt take this TRUTH,,and you deleted your question.

    who twisted what , is evident from Arabic Word

    القرءان وحده17:46



    39:45 الله وحده

    17:46 وجعلنا على قلوبهم اكنة ان يفقهوه وفى ءاذانهم وقرا واذا ذكرت ربك فى القرءان وحده ولوا على ادبرهم نفورا

    get the word right

    now 39:45 says ALLAH ALONE

    39:45 واذا ذكر الله وحده اشمازت قلوب الذين لا يومنون بالءاخرة واذا ذكر الذين من دونه اذا هم يستبشرون

    17:46 We place shields over their hearts, that they should not understand it, and deafness in their ears. If you mention your Lord in the QURAN ALONE, they run away turning their backs in aversion.

    39:45 When ALLAH ALONE is mentioned, the hearts of those who do not acknowledge the Hereafter are filled with aversion; and when others are mentioned beside Him, they rejoice!

    Those who do not acknowledge the hereafter with certainty will not understand the Quran, and they will claim that the Quran is difficult or even impossible to understand on its own. See 54:17,22,32,and 40. Traditional translations and commentaries somehow separate the word “Quran” from the adjective (wahdahu = alone, only) that follows it. They translate it as "Lord alone in the Quran." Though there are many verses emphasizing God's oneness (see 39:45), this verse could be understood as another one emphasizing that message. However, this could be only a secondary meaning of this particular verse, since the adjective wahdehu is used not after the word Rab (Lord) but after the word Quran. In Arabic if one wants to say ‘Quran alone,’ the only way of saying it is "Quranun wahdahu."

    Now this is Quranic Proof,and tell abul harrith to smash his head,for his utter ignorance,and disbelief and hypocrisy

    dont run like a zebra now !

    @ i am glad you answered,see the arabic Quran,the translators you have quoted have twisted the meaning,see arabic ,and see the difference,and see who has twisted the translation and duped you all

    i know you will not believe the arabic verses i have pasted,,,i am sure you have Glorious Quran at home open ,it see what arabic Verses say the word is 'ALLAH WAHID" in 39:45,

    and the word is 'QURAN WAHID" in 17:46,do i have to teach you what does WAHID MEAN !

    i am sure you dont know what i am talking about ,,you know why ??


    17:46 We place shields over their hearts, that they should not understand it, and deafness in their ears. If you mention your Lord in the QURAN ALONE, they run away turning their backs in aversion.

  6. Very nice, I agree.

  7. Yeah I agree 100%.

    It frustrates me how basic my knowledge on Islam is, I wish I had the knowledege to have an intellegent discussion on my beliefs. Insha'Allah.

    I wish there were more profound questions here and moral discussions. I wish we all wouldn't jump down eachothers neck for no apparent reason. I wish that the deep people would come here and ask questions that would really get me thinking.
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